- Sun Jun 03, 2001 11:00 am
there is not much about chris and dave that annoys me, but.......<P>the target audience of the show is 16-24. This means that chris and dave are only 3 years older than the oldest "target" listener, and as the age range is an average anyway, this means some listeners will be as old if not older than the guys. (see the ages of the messageboard members for proof).<P>i fully understand that patronising the listeners is part of the show, but only with good reason. it annoys me, when they (dave seems to be the worst culprit) say "target reference" about things that are either within the target range, or are so well known anyone would know.<P>for instance, i may only be 18, but i know who Dusty Bin is. i really didn't need his life history, and what's more, i got the impression that chris and dave were only half aware of who he was, even though they were showing off at the point that they were old enough to have watched it. i also noticed that chris seemed to forget that ted rogers was even dead at one point. <P>i also remember a "target reference" from the late 70's, when they would have only been 7 or 8. just a thought.<P>my god i should be revising.