The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By wills_no1_fan!
yeah im sure they will be! theyre all v nice aint they??!!!!  :)
By Lara
well they all sound friendly on the show and in the emails (even though i haven't had any replies from chris)..... :)
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By Clare
I think Dave checks Chris's E-mails, well thats what Chris said, might have just been a bad excuse tho!
By Guest
Trash- would not go for a personna of 14 year old- however he might pull one.
By Wills_no.1_fan!
yeah they do all sound friendly dont they?! who have you had emails from? me and Will have been emailing for about 2 and a half years now! whats Daves address? do you think he would reply if i wrote?!  :)
By Guest
The trash has recieved emails from<P>Evander Holyfield<br>paul daniels<br>Jim Bowen........
By stevotrash
...daphanie and celeste, Tom O Connor. My mate has got emails from matthew wright, Tim Lovejoy and someone else who i have forgotten.
By Wills_no.1_fan!
apart from Will, ive had emails from<br>Zoe Ball<br>Ginner<br>Zoe A<br>Richard Evans<br> :)
By Guest
The world wide celebrity Mark Edwards aka Ginna- who did a show on Plymouth Sound and was Crap!
By wills_number_1_fan!
no not him...Ginner aka Mark Newman from Zoes show! and dont ****  him off hes my mate! hes quality!
By Lara
i've had emails back from dave and will...haven't bothered emailing chris now...dave might reply if u ask a qu.  :)<br>me and a friend of mine are still waiting for barry chuckle to reply to our email declaring our love for him and asking whether he is married...(it was a joke btw)!!!  :)
By wills_number_1_fan!
barrie chuckle eh? nice!  :) do you have Daves email? what kinda things do you say to him?!  :)
By Lara
nowt much- i've only sent a few asking qus bout the show- i doubt he'd reply to a normal, how ru type email...whereas will i emailed telling him his leg should be amputated which started a short email conv.<br> :)<br>barry chuckle...a living legend...ahem.
By Guest
Mark Newman that was him - still was shocking <P>Simon Willis- excellent host of Plymouth Sound Breakfast show<br>After Fleckers but before Sparksy
By Wills_no.1_fan!
why may i ask did you tell Will he needed his leg amputated?!! lol! :)<br>ive been chatting to Will for about two years now! wasnt the same without him yesterday was it?!!
By Wills_no.1_fan!
why may i ask did you tell Will he needed his leg amputated?!! lol! :)<br>ive been chatting to Will for about two years now! wasnt the same without him yesterday was it?!!
By Wills_no.1_fan!
why may i ask did you tell Will he needed his leg amputated?!! lol! :)<br>ive been chatting to Will for about two years now! wasnt the same without him yesterday was it?!!
By Lara
the msg was so good it had to be posted 3 times  :)<br>it was after the calf photos and his leg was really blue and it looked like it needed to be amputated and therefore i thought i'd email him my thought (ahem) provoking opinion  :) he blamed it on the lighting...then the conv. went onto his singing, the corrs, etc.<br>i felt the show needs 3 ppl not neccessarily will (argh- no offence)...<br>will this be the first time u see will...u know in july?  :)<br>
By wills_number_1_fan!
no offense taken!  :) i of course have to beg to differ!!<br>yeah it will be the first time i see him!! im dead nervous!!!<br>sorry bout posting it 3 times! dunnoh what happened there!!  :)
By Lara
it's not ur fault bout the msg being sent 3 times- it's happened b4!!  :) i'm nervous also cos i'm a big dave fan (u might have guessed from earlier on in this thread) and i can't wait til i meet them but i don't want to look stupid (no jokes or comments please)...btw- how old r u? i ask this cos i'm worried that they only get 17 yr olds and over to see them rather than 15 yr olds and i might look a bit weird (again no jokes or comments if pos.)...:s hmmmmmm...
By wills_number_1_fan!
no im sure itll be fine!  :) im 18 but when me and Will first started emailing eachother i was 16, so no im sure they wont think its silly! ya know what theyre like! theyre lovely!! its getting closer! think im goin on 19th july!  :)
By Lara
i'm sooooo excited!!! i hope i don't look stupid- i know they'll be nice- they r a lovely bunch!!! (espesh dave  :)) i dunno exactly when am going to c them but it will be between 2nd-13th v.v.v.v.v. near!!!!  :)
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By Clare
Lara, a boy off of here used to go and see Chris and Dave and he was only 12!!!
By wills_number_1_fan!
im v v v exited as well!  :) yeah they are all lovely! (especially WILL!)  :)<br>youll be goin b4 me then! you will have to tell me what happens!!
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