The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Stickyspanner
In the ever ending quest to find new software, I have made myself another free webspace account for all you lovely people.<P>The idea is that if u want, u can upload stuff to it for everyones perusal.<P>Obviously this will be done on a trust basis, as it will be on a total free read write access, meaning anyone can add / delete files.<P>Good stuff will be moved onto permanent space and added to my site.<P>What are your views?
By Andrew
Good Man<br>You are a credit to Mr Moyles and the whole of Moylesworld.<br>I don't know what Chris (Harris) will think, but this will mean any, of many of us, will be able to upload medium - large mp3s and he can choose the best quality ones to go here.<P>Sounds good<P>Spanner - is this post partly so you can bask in the praise of others?  :)
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By Stickyspanner
Andrew - as if I would do that!!<P>noooo - I`m not just looking for MP3 files anyways - in fact - MP3 is the last thing I was wanting.  You cannot upload .mp3 to this server, so what you do is make it into a zip file, and then you can download that.  The MP3 file will be created inside it  :)<P>There is also a 10MB limit on filesize.  I`m looking ideally for anything really except MP3 files - I can get enough of them elsewhere and so can everyone else  :)<br>
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By Stickyspanner
I can upload MP3 files if I want by just making them into zip files.  But why?  What MP3 files do I add?  I cant put them ALL online  :) <P>I have like over 30Gb of MP3 files, and facility to make some out of all my audio cd`s - I`d be here till I die uploading them all - even on ADSL  :)
By stevotrash
try the gold wave program at <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>it searches for MP3's amaongst many severs including IMesh and Napster
By Guest
whooosh over my head. Allthough I do have that Oxide and Neutrino spoof of Eastenders!<br>Somewhere I think.
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