The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Uglybob
youd think she would get the hint, all of us are ppl with no life so listen to moyles. thats main thing. she is like geri halliwell auditioning to be sisters of mercy. totally out of place.
By monkey_leaving_today
i don't mind too much, so long as she's contained to the smilies and exclamation marks of the "dave on liquid news" thread
By Guest
Tooom meeeeee -eeeeeee <br>Tooom meeeeee -eeeeeee <br>Tooom meeeeee -eeeeeee <br>Tooom meeeeee -eeeeeee <br>Build A tower of Strength!!!!!!!!!<br>
By Guest
I Shot the sherrif<br>But I didn't shoot the deputy.<br>Bugger<P><br>Jonny Hoare, Getting His Reggae records out, At Home
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]