The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Guest
I'd go for 12ish actually Bob.  She's going to start being american and saying things like WOT-EV-ERRRRRRRRRR (phonetically spelt).  Grrrrr. I'll even make up with Murph Daddy if she stops it.
By Guest
And my stupid slow computer will only let me see new messages in some threads and not others.  Now why is it doing that?  I'm gonna scream.  Can anyone help me with this?  Looking at Stix in particular.  *whining* PLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE  :)
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By Stickyspanner
oO(what he said)<P>Sorry - I was out tonight.<P>Yeah - I could bore you to tears by saying that the previously cached version of the page you were viewing was shown instead of the newly updated version - and by right clicking and selecting Refresh from the drop down menu (or by clicking the refresh icon) would have forced your web browser to replace the cached version with the newer one - but I wont tell you that cos that would look sad  :)
By Andrew
I agree Lozza. She sounds like the woman from league of gentlemen stage show who "loves gay guys." <br>Who is basically, a freinds loving, mobile phone toting, w.ankmeister. Admittedly, mrs moyles probably isn't that bad its just the ~luv me~ bit that suggests it. <P>The murph will know what i'm on about in reference to league o. g.<P><br>
By Tom_Murphy
i know exactly - very funny! give me a huggy wuggy!<P>MESSAGE TO MRS MOYLES: for fecks sake keep posting in the same style cos otherwise i'll have to become friends with lozza.
SORRY! I didn't mean to annoy you all! Right the ~luv me~ bit means luv from me,I put it on the end of everything I write,e-mails and messages and stuff,I'll say something else now instead of ~luv me~ Right,if you want to know who I am I'm Poppy Holdsworth and I'm 14 (I'm very mature for my age ((hmmm?)) so I'm not 12 OR 13 thankyou every much!) do you know me? I'm not sure if you do,never mind! Anyway,it's not my fault I like Chris Moyles,I think of it as being an original school girl crush thing,no one else at my school likes Chris Moyles  <IMG SRC=""> I don't know why,he's great! AND I am not going to go around saying whatever!! I'm not American and I don't really go for the American custom thing,whatever those costoms things are,in fact I'm anti-American (I'm not actually,I just thought I'd say that for added emphasis!) heheeeeee! Anyway,I hope I got that sorted out and I promise to stop posting strange Chris - last time - he's a babe Moyles messages going on about how much I like him,I do like him though! Anyway,bye bye ~Poppy~ PS I changed it especially for you!!! xx
I'd just like to pop out of my weasel-home and say that i think you all suck, especially uglybob for starting this irrelevant and boring thread, so this bickering is pointless. <P>Why not address a more important issue, such as the imminent Rabbit/Stoat war?
By Guest
Bob hit the nail on the head. <P>All the nicey nicey hehehe stlye stuff pecks.  At least make everyone hate you by being abusive.
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