The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By winker
Listening to Kiss Fm with Bam-Bam the other morning (can't stand Sara sux Cox) and he was slagging off radio 1 as it has 43 million allocated to it from the licence fee. Also, apparently 22 million people pay the licence fee and this 43 million divided by the fee payers means that every fee payer spends £1.43 on radio1 whether they listen to it or not. Didn't really agree with him but if the numbers are correct what the bloody hell happens to all that money? Does Pete Tong and the Dream Team use it all up on anti-aging cream?
By Simon
As usual Bam Bam is talking out of his arse.(the rest of this comes from Simon Garfield's book "The Nation's Favourite" published by Faber and Faber):<br>"In 1997/8 Radio 1 had a budget of about £19 million a year, of which roughly £7 million was spent on copyright payments to record and publishing companies.  The remaining £12 million did not include the cost of news, marketing or transmission, but covered all management, running and talent costs.  As elsewhere within the BBC, Radio 1 was under pressure to cut costs at a rate of 5% each year to free funds for digital broadcasting."<P>This proves 2 things:<br>1.)Bam Bam is wrong<br>2.)The footballs just finished and i'm now bored.
By winker
As I said the figures may be wrong and maybe he was talking out of his arse. There was one deciding factor in these figures in that they actually phoned up the Radio 1 press office and they confirmed the figures. Could have been a set up, but why bother?<P>Also what has 1997/98 got to do with 2001?<p>[This message has been edited by winker (edited 17 May 2001).]
By Simon
Well i'll tell u that having actual figures for 97/98 is a lot better than having wild guesses for 2001.I also dont think that whilst radio 1 is under pressure to cut its costs the bbc is going to more than double its budget.<br>
By winker
Hey don't shoot the messenger Simon. There is a letter on the Kiss site that somebody from the Kiss FM station produced.<br>Here it is.<br>---------------------------------------------<br>Anyone fancy kickin' the BBC in the ass?<P>Do you know how much radio 1 get to pipe their output to the UK?<br>Lots.....£43million!<P>Here's the plan then....<br>Cut and paste the following into a word document:<P><br>Dear Mr Dyke<P><br>I understand that £1.93 of my licence fee is allocated to Radio1.<P>See formula below:<P><br>Total revenue from TV Licensing (rtv) = £2,318,000,000<P>Cost of TV licence (ctv) = £104<br>rtv divided by ctv = 22,288,461 licences sold (averaged)<P>£43,000,000 revenue to Radio 1<br>£43,000,000 divided by 22,288,461 licences sold<P>= £1.93 each<P><br>Radio 1 is crap (sorry). I do not use this service and therefore request that you send me a refund for £1.93.<P>I demand a reply and look forward to your response.<P>Cheers Gregory<P>Yours sincerely<P> <P><br>THEN... amend the new document inserting your address at the top, sign it,<br>and send it to the following address:<P>Greg Dyke<br>Director General<br>BBC Television<br>Wood Lane<br>London<P>Bam Bam's letter, not mine.
By Simon
How about we send this letter to Kiss?<P>Dear Bam Bam<br>Why don't u get streetboy's head out of your arse for a minute and think about how bitter you sound....(you guys finish it off)
By Lara
Kiss fm is total shite...and Crapital fm is sickeningly crap- i can't stand it!! I reckon it stems from when my mum couldn't take me to skool in the mornings cos of work and dropped me off at this lady's house to go to skool with her sons and she always listened to Crapital and even phoned up once on a competition- i'm still cringing from the true sickness of this... <IMG SRC=""><br>sorry i have to go and see my councillor again...
By Guest
I thought he was Barney Rubble's son in the Flintstones<P>Sum up London Radio stations in one word<P>Capital - "sennnnnnnnsational"<br>XFM - "cider"<br>Kiss - "ayyyyyyyyya nappppa"<br>London Live - "cappucino"<br>Heart - "lard"<br>Virgin- "pediaphilia"<P><br>Coming Soon , jonny Hoare slaggs off his local stations
By winker
Other alternatives:<P>Capital=Foxy<br>Virgin=She aint no more!<br>Heart=Old fart<br>Xfm=soap-dodgers<br>Kiss=my arse<br>Radio 1=poxy coxy
sexiest bird in neighbours

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