The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Stickyspanner
Tom Murphy is a comedy genius.  <P>I know I have my fun on this board, but no matter what Tom writes its usually funny, and I dunno what happened last night but he musta got laid or something cos he`s on sparkly form today.<P>We hope that he can only get access to a computer wherever his travels take him.<P>oO(why the hell i`m saying this I know not cos as soon as he`s outta here i`ll be soon number one in the posting race)<P>Hmm - race sounds wrong - cos that just sets Tom into Spam mode  :)<P>Why dont we all have a whip round for Tom?  I`m gonna start here with a mouldy packet of skittles that I found under my bed.  Who else wants to add to it?
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By Uglybob
i gotta a blackcurrant Tune and an uneaten tin of dog food
By Guest
Got a picnic chocalate bar which has a bite in it.  It was only then I reliesed I didn't like them.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i got a plastic aldi bag good for dog poo - no holes see?
By Guest
1 wrigley's  lemon flavoured orbit
By Tom_Murphy
what i really want, spanner my friend, is some kind of trophy for my achievements. oh, and world peace.
By Tom_Murphy
thats how i stay on top of the game  <IMG SRC="">
By stevotrash
this love in between spanner and murphy is becoming sickly. More back slapping than a seedy massuer parlour.
By Kate
que?<br>I've been out of the loop for a bit and haven't a clue if this sycophantic nonsense is real or an attempt at humour...I hope the latter.<P>xx
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
attempt huh? i'll have you know this is better material than a davina mcCall sitcom.
By Tom_Murphy
i can back that up - it's only MEN for the spanner. <P>to paraphrase the North and South classic "I'm a boy not a man".<P> <IMG SRC="">
By Guest
whilst were on this topic I too shall paraphrase.<P>"Who do you think you are<P>MOylesworld's  new star<br>Is Tom who you are<br>Fictious ferret tarragon mole<br>Tell me - can you drive a car!
By stevotrash
yes jon, well copy my reworking of classic songs is pure genius. To answer your question, no I don't have a car but i do have a carriage. I was just wondering wether your girlfriend will be free this thursday to help pull it.
By stevotrash
now hoare boy, think of something original to comeback with.
By Guest
At least I didn't get slagged off by moyles- <br>"A one braincelled creature"<P>Please , put this in the sound vault!!!!!
By the_dr
North and South... I bought that record! One of my first ever records, I think it was the Man not a Boy one as well. I returned it to the shop 2 days later for being too crap. The TV series was a classic - No Sweat, a line which was repeated at the end of each episode. They also released a song of the same name. One sad sight I saw the other day though was one of the band members trying to launch a solo carrer. It was the Italian-looking one, I think he was the lead singer, was on CBBC with Ana trying to promote himself about 2 months ago. A very sad sight.<P>the_dr
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