The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By MoylesMan
on the front page of this website it says when Moyles will be on next or if he is on.<P>Is this done with a cgi script?<br>If it is where can I get this script?<P>Thanks
By MoylesMan
Is it possible to get this script from you??<P>P L E A S E ! ! ! !
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By Uglybob
chris why is tom still mentioned here, he hasnt done anything for 6 months
By MoylesMan
Yeah,<P>But if I have the general layout of the script then I can edit to show when my webcam on my site is on during certain times.<P>
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By Matt
Seems a coincidence that a couple of days after I added code to my site to do the same thing it appeared on here :P<P>M
By DavidL
Can I get a copy of this script so I can show which times my webcam is on?<P>David
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]