The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Monkey_Fatigue
Chris mentioned short circuit. not necessarily 80's ones but you know the type i am refering to, thoughts about:<P>smokey & the bandit<br>back to the future<br>beverly hills' cop 1 , 2 & 3<br>crocodile dundee 1 , 2 & now 3<P><br>etc.<br>
By Guest
Short Circuit 1&2<br>The Goonies<br>Escape to Victory
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By Eddie
You've got to love Ghostbusters and Top gun!<P>well I do anyway  :)<P>Eddie.
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By Uglybob
sent a little email about eddie murphy to moyles, doubt he'll read it, what dave address. every 6 months this topic comes round about trashy films, and its still funny
By winker
Top 80's films-<P>Ferris Bueller's Day Off<br>Mannequin<br>*<br>Top Gun<br>Ghostbusters<br>Karate Kid<P>Pants 80's films-<P>ET<br>St Elmo's Fire<br>He-Man
By Lara
i know someone has already mentioned it but one of my fave all time films (sadly) is LABYRINTH...david bowie with rather stylish long hair...that film is a legend in itself...i love it!!!  :)<br>i'm sure i'll think of more films later i might be back... :)
By Lara
btw- has neone else got the film drop dead fred? am i the only person who likes it?
By Blue_monkey
how about: Bill & Ted 1 & 2 (San Demus High Football Rule) , flight of the navigator, and D.A.R.R.Y.L<br>
By Guest
St. Elmo's Fire - man in Motion by John Parr<P>What a song!!!!!!!!<P>Shocking film
By winker
Wargames- "Would you like to play a game?"<br>Batteries not Included (neither was a plot)<br>Cocoon<br>Police Academy<br>Fletch, and Fletch lives (both class)<br>Caddyshack<br>
By Lara
oooooh cocoon!!! i remember that- "i've never met a girl like u b4" (edwin collins)- i love that song...downloaded it the other week... :)
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]