The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Comedy_Chris
Has anyone ever wondered<P>What Moyles would do/say if say, the Queen died on the morning of their show ?? Would they just play music, would they be serious ??<P>I can remember when the Concorde crash news was breaking Moyles didnt wind Carolynn up, he just played the jingle, but if the Queen/Tony Blair/Andy Parfitt died then what would his show be like ??<P>God I have got toooo much time on my hands....
By Guess
I think that the BBC and probably the other stations too have to play sombre music all day when the Queen dies. Moyles would get a day off.
By Guest
I think the Beeb have abandoned that policy of having all sombre music when a major royal dies (they abandoned it in 1990 I think) so it would be similar to Dunblane - the next day, Chris Evans (when he was on R1) just played normal music without any funny bits.<P>Any thoughts Eddie?
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By Eddie
Don't have a clue.... sorry, Haven't worked there long enough to be involved in such a situation!<P>Eddie
By Andrew
In accordance to rules of "sad bits" they would have to either play colplay - trouble, or the plinkety piano music from neighbours, all day long.<P><br>
By Simon
I think they would play sombre music and probably just talk about what everyone was feeling - there wouldn't be any funny bits
By Tom_Murphy
no idea - but there really is no way he'd put on his normal show. eddie - ask someone at the beeb for us!<P>[This message has been edited by Tom Murphy (edited 16 May 2001).]<p>[This message has been edited by Tom Murphy (edited 16 May 2001).]
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By Uglybob
well i remember 1997 when diana died , it was a sunday and the top 40 chart was postponed and they just played instrumental music. radio stations were also given a list of songs which would be inappropriate to play the situation. i can only remember 1 and that was radiohead and airbag.
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By Uglybob
hence moyles might not even be on a for a week if the queen died but maybe were going too far in time, wait til the queen mother croaks it. its a bit morbid this aint it, wheres mrs moyles when u need her
By Tom_Murphy
ahem....allow me:<P>hi! sara cox is really good to listen to in the mornings, i like chappers! and flummox fletch is really good too! i love chris, and i also like poppies! because my name is poppy! heehee! my cat's really naughty, he is so cute and cuddly! yippee! ok, i've got to go, because i want to play hello i'm listening! bye! bye! ~luv me~ bye! bye!
I think what the original post meant was:<br>Imagine it's 4.21 on a Thursday afternoon, and Moyles is having a rant about something...suddenly news is breaking that the Queen has been would he react???<br>Well, I think he would react like any decent person, and behave with dignity and respect and THEN go to Barber's Adagio for strings, Finlandia, Nimrod etc.
By Guest
When someone dies on air - it usually is Stevotrash when his "jokes" are read out.
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By Chris
There are formal procedures if a member of the Royal Family dies - all BBC stations are alerted of it by a nice machine called RATS (or they used to be when I worked in the BBC).<P>All station will immediately cut to Radio Four - no station will pre-announce why. Radio Four will then stay on all BBC stations for a fixed length of time (depends on who has died) and then gradually the stations will take back control but with a restricted (read, sombre) playlist. Over the course of a few days things return to normal as dictated by the public mood.<P>There are rules on this posted in all BBC studios ..
By stevotrash
jonny, not only are you jelous of my full head of hair but also of my superb email contributions. I pity you
By Guest
RATS plays sombre music- When Diana died I was on a journey back to Cornwall from edinburgh. They played Chill Out music- i.e. Leftfield Song of Life and Little Flffy clouds. All music all instrumentals. Very nice.<br>However we got bored and put on my stars of the pub singer from shooting stars!
By Guest
However - when Diana died teh radio One Lineup was Greening, Mayo, Campbell, Goodier and Warren. Mark and Lard were pulled from the schedules (when they were on Breakfast) and not long after that Kevin Greening got the brekkie job with Zoe.
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