The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Guest
Not content with being happy with being scott mills comedy writer- the Trash has infiltrated the Moyles show. However the jury's out over his joke about the cheque- it was so bad I was thinking it, and it would have been a joke if myself, yep, that's Jonny Hoare had told would have responded with much tumbleweed and head shaking. Moronic comments, like you say trash, "will get your head kicked in".<P>Nothing green 'bout my eyes...........
By stevotrash
are you threatening to kick my head in jonny? Now now temper temper. Stress causes hair loss....erm i'll leave it there.
By stevotrash
listen to the audio clips when dan has recorded them into MP3. You will see they laugh not at the joke, but with the joke.<P>smmmmmeeeelll the irony
By Guest
Have you got your own world wide radio show?<br>Via Lycos Talk Radio!!!!
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]