- Wed May 16, 2001 11:00 am
Nope I am an ageing Osteopath from the mean streets of Staines scraping a living off the benefits he can scrape together from the Government and living off bran flakes because I have a bowel problem that I have had for neigh on 2 years now. I have 2 monkeys, one called Dave and the other one called Pierce. I feed them off nuts I steal from the local Morgue. I live in a 2 bedroom flat and I share my flat with an ageing man who's luck has taken a turn for the worse, his name is Simon Mayo he is also my secret lover and I embrace the secret love that dare not speaks it name. Now are you happy how old do you think I am? yes 14!
The Only Reason Why Santas So Jolly Is Because He Knows Where All The Little Girls Live...