The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Euan_Denholm
By Mikey
But when you did them you couldn't be arsed either...?
By DavidL
It just took me a bit longer to post it  :)<P>dont speak in CAPITALS, thank you<br>
By Tom_Murphy
Euan has completely lost it. i don't know the whole story, but he seems to be bitter about not being a reviewer any more. he probably won't reply either.<P>Moylesworld is like The Beach - some people become so obsessed with retaining paradise they forget their own morals and ethics. Chances are Euan's lying in a Bangkok hotel room right now, wrists slashed open. <P>I take this opportunity to warn the rest of you - don't let this happen to you. Keep your mind balanced and spend some time each day away from anything moyles-influenced. <P>It's a dangerous game people, and it never ends.........
By Guest
Trust me it's paradise.<br>This is where the hungry come to feed.<P>Leo Dicrapmepants
By Euan_Denholm
I gave up the reviewing cos i wanted to, not because of anything else.<br>When i did the reviews, i was the best.<br>No doubt, i became disillusioned by peoples stupid mentality.<br>
By Guess
Euan - I've just read back through some of your reviews and to be honest, they're probably not as good as you like to think they were. <br>At the risk of making myself unpopular with some people on this board I just want to point out that I think most of the reviews focus too much on listing what happened on the show rather than providing opinions or comment. Ben's reviews make comment, but on his antics rather than the show which is entertaining but perhaps not the point of a show review. I've only singled Ben out because his are the reviews that stand out in my mind the most, not because I have any particular problem with them. Also, as Moyles himself pointed out in his email to Chris (MW), I don't think there's alot of point doing them if you can't listen to, and concentrate on the whole show. If you tune in late et cetera you may be missing out on jokes that are running all the way through the show, features/phone calls/links that stand out as brilliant, and the overall feel of the show. I don't have time to do the reviews but I will suggest a few pointers that you can either sneer at, reject or think about. I personally think that looking at the role of each team member in the show would be of interest, for example, the way that Will and Lizzie seem to alternate in who speaks the most. Has the departure of Rhys and Melinda, and the arrival of Will and Lizzie upset the balance of the show? Rhys seemed to be more comfortable with the laddish atmosphere. How the show worked as a whole, did it seem disjointed, unplanned, well-thought out, smooth? How the interaction with guests changes the show - the people who drop in, Jon on a Friday. How listener participation affects the show. I may be thinking about this all too much but I'm doing an arts PhD and spend all day having to have thoughts like these;-)<p>[This message has been edited by Guess (edited 15 May 2001).]
By Tom_Murphy
*what?*<P>*oh!*<P>sorry - just fell asleep reading that last post/thesis. <P>yeah, what she said, whatever. <P>the problem with people's opinions is they could be wrong.
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By Chris
We've had a few people want to take over doing the reviews, I'll switch everyone about at the weekend when I'm back (and not dying of the flu) ...<P>Oh yeah, I'll upload a whole bunch of new sounds too (thanks Paul + James) ...
By Guess
Tom - Thanks for that well thought out and considered reply. You're right about people's opinions of course. But, the trouble is, there's also basic requirements for a 'review'. One would be having the ability to make constructive and intelligent comment on the work of others.
By Guest
As long as opinions dont course harm to anybody else they are not wrong, just different.  I learnt that one in history (??? :)).<P>Get well soon Chris!
By Tom_Murphy
ben's reviews are fine to me - i think personal anecdotes should be a requirement!
By Euan_Denholm
this will no doubt start a debate but<br>opinions cant be wrong.
By Guess
People hold different opinions to other people, if they believe that their opinion is right then they may also believe that the other person's is wrong. Not science, I know, but it's human nature.
By Guest
Opinions can't be wrong true. But you are.<br>Next Caller, please<br>You're on treading on The Fine Line<P>Jonny Hoare practicing for his debut on Lycos Talk radio!!!
By susx
                 <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC=""> <br>the best thing about Ben's reviews are his personal anecdotes. They make you laugh when everything is gloomy (when im revising for my media Alevels)and prove to me that there are some people out there that can stil have fun... lucky basted.<br>                  <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC=""> <br> <br>( <IMG SRC=""> any excuse not to revise)
By Tom_Murphy
i work on the philosophy that everyone's opinion is wrong except mine. seems to work ok.
By the_dr
Okay - first an explaination of why I haven't posted any reviews for the past x weeks - I've been doing exams. Nobody should be critising other peoples reviews and claiming that "mine is better than yours" because that is immature and these people are giving up their spare time to benefit everybody else for no reward.<P>As a reviewer, I agree with Guess's ideas on what a review should be - there is a fine line between a review and a rundown of events. Many times when I have finished a review (which seems like a long time ago  :) )I think "Have I included enough personal comment there?" and I probably haven't on 9/10. But thats just my way - I will list what happened in the show and let the readers decide for themselves what it was like. I will give, say 1 line of what I thought of the show - but for me it isn't the main issue. I aim to inform instead of entertain in my reviews.<P><br>As many people have said before - it's a review, not a stand up act! Ultimately, we're doing you a favour so if you don't like it you can shove it up your ass.<P>the_dr<br>P.S. Tom - I agree on the addiction thing, I a struggling Moylesaholic - it's a slippery slope.
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