The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By stevotrash
after a year of emailing, i eventually got an email read out on Moyles show. It was the one read out at about 3.45 which the producer wouldn't let it all be read out.
By Tom_Murphy
i knew it was you! i was so close to taping it, coz i recorded the mark b and blade song before it, but then i stopped the minidisc. what was the punchline??????<P><br>well done anyway - a very impressive achievement i'm sure everyone will agree.<P>clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
By wills_number_1_fan!
yeah hardy ha ha!<br>i have infact kidnapped Will!! and moyles is not having him back!!
By Tom_Murphy
sorry to disappoint you but it would appear will is off somewhere with a male student nurse called kev. just ask stevotrash.
By stevotrash
did you hear them mention the short circuit film. I swear someone posted a short circuit related meassage on one of the topics.
By wills_number_1_fan!
hes lying! i have him here! look, say hello Will!<br>Will: hello!<br>see?!<br> :)
By wills_number_1_fan!
is that you again?! hes takin the ****  outta you!!
By wills_number_1_fan!
SARA COX read mine out this morning! does that count???!!  :)
By stevotrash
this is an emotional day for me. Having two emails read out and being called a moron by the moylster truely is remarkable. What out for the hat trick people.
By wills_number_1_fan!
how about when Zoe used to read all mine out?! that count??!!<P>welldone stevo!!
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By Uglybob
well simon mayo mentioned me 9 times, plus claire sturgess (remember her, she did the 10-1 on saturday before moyles and after baker). mayo also called me a sad cretin, beat that
By Guest
Moyles still called you a "moron". Delusions of grandeur stalked the trash as he decided to aim for the behemoth of Moyles, when the comedy was more befitting of 4-7 am - i.e. Scott Mills.<br>
By stevotrash
see grand day for stevotrash thread. <P>The jokes were quite funny by the way jon as the crew were laughing at them. A reaction which your not to farmiliar with...retarded Bruce Willis.
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