The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Tom_Murphy
it doesn't matter if chris called you a moron - now you've got your foot in the door there's no end to your powers.<P><br>and..........this means chris moyles draws his comedy influence from the same place scott mills does!!!!!!!!! hooray!!!!!!!<P>we finally have a celeb posting here - STEVO! STEVO! STEVO!
By stevotrash
The journey has been long and difficult. Sacrifices have had to me made along the way. Now, people we have reached our destination. After being besmirched quite vigorously by the Big Daddy Drool, i truely beleive i have cemented my feet in Moyles World history.<P>I want to now be known as stevooooooooooo or the officialy endorsed moyles moron
By Tom_Murphy
i'm not sure if you realise that it was not just the crew who laughed - it was 6 million listeners as well!<P>STEVO! STEVO! STEVO!<P>Will the hoaremeister be bitter?
By stevotrash
i was disappointed that moyles didn't read my comebacks which included:<br>claiming he learnt the alphabet from a fish and chip menu<br>as well as<br>is there any truth he will be posing in the HGV 500 calendar.<P>he feels like chicken tonight<P>
By Guest
Congrats Stevo!  But can you explain what it was about, I got in at about 3:50 so I must of just missed it.
By stevotrash
a gay student nurse called kev emailed chris about how he knows will.<P>so i emailed him this<P>Subj: (no subject) <br>Date: 16/05/01 15:28:09 GMT Daylight Time <br>From: MStevotrash <br>To: <P><br>You should call Will Kinder Suprise. Why? By the sounds of Kev the student nurse he may have got a toy inside your presenter.<br>-<br>dave mentioned something about recieving a cheque so i sent this<br>chris and team<br>-<br>i'm sending a cheque round to your studios. Hes called Patrick and he likes bagels.<P>stevo<P>noticing how i spelt czech wrongly, moyles then proceeded to call me a moron, saying i had very few brain cells and went of on a bit of a rant. He did not however read out my rather good comebacks.<P><br><p>[This message has been edited by Stevotrash (edited 16 May 2001).]
Welcome to the MoylesWorld Love-in.<P>Tom Murphy ' Hi Stevo,please may I sm*ke your wo*d???? '<P>Stevotrash ' yeah,sure....please don't sw**low,child '<P>Tom Murphy ' That's ok...I love u Stevo, I wanna have your babies !!! '<P>Tom Murphy ' Stevo,Stevo,Stevo....I've got a crush on you !!!'<br>
By Tom_Murphy
this guy is such a prick.<P>stevo! is what moyles was chanting today. after many attempts to get e-mails read out by all of us, stevotrash gets two read out on the same day.<P>you see it's hard to get a mention on chris' show, because he is not crap enough to say hello to people in stupid voices in order to get ratings.<P>f*ck off back to the slum you live in.
Hey Tom,<br>back off !!!<br>I know u like the guys....but I'm getting a bit worried here !<br>Hey Tom, are u feeling sick now....after all your b*m-licking?
By stevotrash
its pretty damn hard to get a mention on moyles show. Ive emailed him for about a year and never got one read out. The to get two read out followed by an insult is pretty good. If you have a problem MandL Fan why don't you organise a little shed lock in with Mr Riley and he can show you his big clock.<p>[This message has been edited by Stevotrash (edited 16 May 2001).]
Hey Stevo,(don't worry I'm not need to cover your a*s)<br>The reason Moyles doesn't read out messages is:<br>1( He's ignorant<br>2( He thinks his fans are pieces of shi.t<br>3( The script doesn't cater for it.<P>I thank you.
By the_dr
I recorded the whole show to mp3 today, so anybody who wants an mp3 of the steveotrash bits, just contact me.<P>Thanks,<br>the_dr<br>P.S. I have finished my exams now - so I will be re-joining in with the board properly at the weekend.
By winker
Well done Mr.Otrash. I heard him mention Stevo and must admit I thought it was you straight away. So if I just keep e-mailing for about a year I can be called a hopeless moron too!<P>Well done sir.
By Guest
However- Stevooooo must be applauded for infiltrating the moyles firewall like e-mail account. However he should be awarded a medal- it's given me diamond material for my show!!!
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