The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Mike
Hey all,<P>I listened to the other morning but forgot to ask if anyone had a copy of the Ian and Grant thing? I heard it in a trailer 2 mins ago wich reminded me  :)...<P>If nobody has it, anyone know a Sara Cox *fan* website... See thats how bad I want that clip  :)<P>Mike
By Kate
now since I don't listen to Cox (oh how proud I am), I haven't a clue what you're talking about...pray tell....<P>xx
By Tom_Murphy
it was pure comedy - she tricked "chappers" into thinking grant and ian had a love affair in eastenders, and used comedy editing to create a "clip" of the dialogue.<P>where does she get it from?
By Mike
In all fairness, it was the funniest thing she has ever done. I just want the clips of the Ian and Grant convo. Apart from the bad sound quality on Grants voice it sounded good  :)
By Tom_Murphy
i managed to record a sara cox trailer this morning on chris' show - it contained a clip of the grant+ian thing, i'm not sure if it's the whole thing or not. if you want it, let me know and i'll upload it.
By Tom_Murphy
yeah, and she talks all over it on the trailer. i reckon your best bet is e-mailing her and asking her to play it again.<P>problem is then you'll have to keep listening to her  :)
By Guest
Awwww...leave her alone.  Shes not that bad.  Its not as if shes evil or anything.<P>I think. :)
By Everlast
Sara Cox was good on MTV as was Davina McCall and Richard Blackwood (Before he started Freestyling) But now there big sell out B'Stards<P>Save chip<br>
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]