The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Stickyspanner
Personally I would like to see it<P>But for our sanity I would think not, cos people would just end up making messages with < h1 > banners and inserting graphics and soundfiles on loadup and stuff like that - in which case folk will just get annoyed and leave and Chris will have to disable it again.<P>Nice idea .... but - erm .... no
By Tom_Murphy
yes! i dunno, i just though a few graphics would brighten the place up a bit! but thinking about it i guess people would take advantage so best leave it.
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By Uglybob
yeah and roddy abused it by pictures of idlewild up, would be alright ppl posted funny or relevant pics but the pricks always get their way
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By Stickyspanner
warning - anyone starts abusing it and i`d lead the bandwagon asking Chris to turn the HTML off  :)<P>u wanna go and have some fun - go spam my message board  :)<P>i`ll just erase it anyways if i dont like what i see  :)<P>I`m quite happy with being about to put  :) in my text anyways  :)<P>Simple things and simple minds - ya know.<P>oO(Ohhhh - ice cream truck - gotta g..... )  :)
By Guest
I'm beginning to get worried about your fixation with ice cream Stix!
By Guest
However any inane picturesof idlewild we suffer in beatings all around!
By Guest
Being MoylesWorld Ice Cream correspondent- I can safely say that the best ice cream I have have had - Blackberry and Apple crumble - lush...
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]