The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Rhys
My life wud b miles different coz i wudnt have anythin 2 do between 3.00 and 5.45 also i wudnt have any thing 2 talk about coz they r mi life!
By Tom_Murphy
i am getting really sick of this IP crap. i don't believe for one second they are the same person. just leave it alone!!!!!<P><br>(unless it's the trash doing a sociological project by assuming multiple aliases of different ages, backgrounds, and viewpoints....)
By Guest
Especially if you are using networked machines. I know that at my uni- there are at least two contirbutors to the might MW
By stevotrash
sorry tom...i really know you wanted that gig. I'm sure the spanner will be willing to accomadate your antics just as long as you don't score with to many ladyboys on your imminent holiday.
By Tom_Murphy
i may well be "missing something" as the case may be.........<p>[This message has been edited by Tom Murphy (edited 15 May 2001).]
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]