Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Sidders
What's wrong with just starting a new topic? That's what this forum's for.
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By gregs
good point...well put

By David
plus if its in the forum then other show recorders like myself will see the request and maybe get the goods to the requester quicker :P
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By Stephen.
Hmm I see some competition between you two in the near future...
I on the other hand don't care who gets the clips in and in what length of time. I will submit the clips that I liked (to Chris) and if they don't appear in the sound vault then so be it :)
By David
Competition? It doesn't bother me if someone else gets the clip there first. Afterall, that person then has to upload it, which takes time.

I just think directing all requests to Dickie wont work as well when you could post it for all the recorders to see.
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By Stephen.
True true. Sorry I was in a really p*ssed off mood when I posted that :oops:
Well as I said, I'll submit anything anyone wants if I have it and no-one else gets there first :)
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