Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Stephen.
Ok so here's some info. for you with regards to my show recording that I hope will be a sucess...

    I will record the show whenever possible.

    I should be able to record the whole show on Tuesdays & Fridays.

    On other days I should be able to record from around 4:15.

    I will record the show in around three, one hour sections.

    Any clips you want you can PM me for or request in the sounds forum to see if I have them.

    I will keep the files for about 5-7 days so request them quick as I don’t want such big files clogging up my hard-drive.

    Any small clips that are not fit for the sound vault I will host on my own personal web-space and any clips fit for the sound vault I will send to the FTP dump for Chris to put on the site.

That is all me thinks, if you need to know anything else just ask...
By David
I will be able to record the show every day from about 3.40 onwards. I cant gaurantee it will be able to do it every day but I try to keep my afternoons free (sad eh?)

I'll keep the files on my hard disk aswell and after about 2 weeks or something I will make them into slightly less quality and bung them on a CD so I will have a collection for ever :)

By David
yesterdays show recorded from 3.40pm if anyone wants anything from it.
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By cafemambo2
are you both using cool edit to store the show then cutting out the music? whats the easisest way to do it i usually record it on minidisc
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By cafemambo2
wouldnt it be a good idea if there was some kind of a rota or something so that there was someone recording every day i can usually record thursdays as im at home (but not at the moment im househunting) what other people have the equipement to record the show and on which days?
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By Stephen.
cafemambo2 wrote:are you both using cool edit to store the show then cutting out the music? whats the easisest way to do it i usually record it on minidisc

I use Cool Edit on a timed record (if I can't listen) of 2 hours (3 hours on the Tuesday & Friday).
I don't cut out the music though, the clips will stay as they are until either deleted or requested. It saves altogether as about 50MB.
Cool Edit is pretty easy so go for that if you want.
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By cafemambo2
ok ill try it out today and see how it works thanks
By David
i am just recording direct into cool edit. I could set it up to record automatically when I am away but it means leaving my computer on and for some reason it wants to connect to the net at 3pm each day, costing me money.
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By cafemambo2
mmm thats a bit strange you must have some kind of option on when is starts recording it connects for some reason can anyone else help?
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By Chris
Cool edit does an upgrade check at launch doesn't it? Turn of auto-connection or unplug your modem
By David
It's not actually Cool Edit that causes the modem to dial because it happens even if Cool Edit isn't running. I don't know what it is thats causing it to connect, checked Scheduled Tasks etc and still cant find anything, so until then I will just take Chris' advice and unplug the modem :)

I have todays show from about 4.00 if anyone wants clips.

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By cafemambo2
i recorded todays show and listened but i thought it was a bit of a dull show today nothing really was very funny
By Dopey
I can record from 3 - about 3.40 if you want. And I'll edit it so that only the links parodies (not that he does them anymore)etc. so I should be able to keep them for a few weeks. If there is an extra bit someone wants me to record then I'll do it for them. (I'll start tomorrow).
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By Dickie
8O I record the show everyday and archive for 2 weeks. Then onto mini-disc.

Any requests for clips or anything then e-mail or pm and i can wack the audio out to you in any format. i store the show at 192kbps [stereo] so pretty good quality recording direct from a noise-free radio.

I think this settles the whole argument of a rota or whatever.

By David
are you recording it from a normal FM radio? it's pretty pointless recording it at 192kps as if I remember correctly FM is about 96kps...

Digital radio is 128kps I think for Radio 1 - 112kps for Radio 3 I remember somewhere someone said.

But dont quote me on that.
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By Dickie
Cheers for the advice on the quality of recording, have taken this on board, done a few tests on previous recordings and will now record in 96kbps.
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By Stephen.
Ok to get this sorted once and for all Chris you seem to know what's best...
What should we record in..? IE Everything we need to know if there is any other hints!?
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By Sidders
128 is CD quality. Doing it any higher quality is pointless because the human ear can't interpret the difference.
By David
i think I am right in saying that 96kps is FM radio so if you are recording from an FM stereo source then 96kps Stereo might aswell be what your record in as it will be less space. If you record from a digital radio - put your bitrate up.

and if you record from a mono source, like FM Radio in mono mode then there is no point recording in stereo what so ever.
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By Dickie
96kbps is not that high. By this i can tell you're still trapped on a 56k modem so everything takes a few millenia to get to you.

96kbps files are really quite small.
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By Stephen.
Dickie wrote:i can tell you're still trapped on a 56k modem

Yes that is true so I will stick to 96!

And I have to record in Mono as I can only plug in one jack to my pc (there are 2 speaker sockets on the back of my radio).

But I think the clips I have put forward are good enough :)
By David
you could get a red and white (cant think the proper name for it) to 3.5mm lead.
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