Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By ge7171
i know this is kind of a long shot but im looking for a clip from around june-july-august of 2001. the quote is "donkey magic". they had a slot where some magician came on and done rubbish magic and it was called donkey magic. i soon adopted these words as my "phrase" and now it is back in everyones mind so i want to get a sound clip. it was one of the phrases that chris recorded and then played it over and over about a hundred times within a show. if u could hunt this clip down for me i would be forever grateful and i would owe everything i own to you.(not really i would say thanks and u wouldnt get anywhere near any of my stuff).
i know its a long shot but thanks anyway, keep up the good work the site is great.

the haggis hunter
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By MK Chris
Who would have guessed, you can't use bbCode in a thread title...?
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By Adam
its very bold of him to try...
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By Sam
Hate to state the obvious but have you checked the sound vault?
By ge7171
so i guess my clip couldnt be found?? does anyone else even remember the clip im after?? cheers
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By Sidders
Adam wrote:its very bold of him to try...

:lol: That's one of the wittiest things I've ever read. My brother would have been proud of that! :lol:
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By Sidders
ge7171 wrote:so i guess my clip couldnt be found?? does anyone else even remember the clip im after?? cheers

I think I remember it, but do you really expect people to keep sound clips for nearly 2 years? If noone's replied by now then I think it's fairly obvious that nobody has it.
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