Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By David

apologies for quality. For some reason it's in 48kps mono instead of 96kps mono.

If you desperately want it in 96kps I can go make into the main show mp3 and take it out again.

Note mono for all my recordings. I could do stereo but I don't always get a proper stereo signal for some odd reason, so I thought it would be better it all being in mono than having a gay hiss noise when I don't get proper stereo signal.
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By Nablo.
The whole thing with Aled and the Spider was alot more funny than the lying thing.
By David
yeah that was funny :D
By Bridgie
thanks a lot david

if you're bored sometime in the hols i dont suppose you'd want to edit the spider thing too. :D

By David
holidays? Excuse me? I live in Scotland where we are not pussys and actually go to school and do some work :)

Although I'll edit it out tomorrow afternoon and upload it tomorrow evening.
By Bridgie
you're not on holiday at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats an outrage
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By Nablo.
My half term is next week.
By David
my next holidays is easter at the end of march.

I don't really mind though. Sitting around my house doing nothing all day is just as boring as being at school.
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By Stephen.
David wrote:apologies for quality. For some reason it's in 48kps mono instead of 96kps mono.

How do you put it into 96kps 'cause my recordings aren't at the best they could be, well I don't think so anyway :?


David wrote:mono for all my recordings. I could do stereo but I don't always get a proper stereo signal for some odd reason, so I thought it would be better it all being in mono than having a gay hiss noise when I don't get proper stereo signal.

Note: The same applies for my recordings :)
Last edited by Stephen. on Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Stephen.
Also, you might know this David... I have about 68GB left on my hard drive but down at the bottom of Cool Edit it says I only have like 1hr left of recording time :?
Do you know why that is?
By David
When you go to Save As - there is an option at the bottom which changes the bitrate.

Is your 68GB on another disk? Go to Options > System > Settings and check the directorys there.
By David
what happens if you try recording past the 1 hr mark?
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By Stephen.
I don't know now because I have about 3hrs left. I think it just keeps recording actually because at one point it said I had 0hrs 0mins left (when I was saving after the first hour) :? hmm
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