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By Sidders
What's that got to do with Moyles?
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By Chris
You know with a bootleg the idea is for the tune to match as well as the beat hmm?

5/10. Try harder.
Last edited by Chris on Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sidders
Agreed Chris. Pretty poor especially the chorus beginning at 1:45.
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By cafemambo2
i like it its really quite good
By Lew
nah i agree wiv chris and simon
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By Mcqueen_
I've heard worse.
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By Nablo.
Depends on how long they have been doing them, if it's one of the first not bad if they have done loads before then it's awful.
By djleekee
Sidla wrote:Agreed Chris. Pretty poor especially the chorus beginning at 1:45.

Shouldnt a chorus begin at 1:45 in a track? I never read that anywhere in the music books! I better check again! I apologise for not following your strict rules!

Let me lick your boots whilst im at it!

This track has been played on many radio stations throughout the uk (but not bbc) upto now and I thought I would introduce it to Moyles Net but what an ungrateful bunch of moaners you are!

You dont realise Q U A L I T Y when you hear it!

None of you even began to explain what was exactly wrong with the mix and I hope to hear some constructive critism further down this thread!

Ps has anyone actually heard a good Xpress2-Lazy mashup yet?

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By Nablo.
djleekee wrote:Ps has anyone actually heard a good Xpress2-Lazy mashup yet?

No not yet it would seem, plus why destroy such a brilliant track anyway.
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By Nablo.
Link doesn't work.
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By MK Chris
djleekee wrote:None of you even began to explain what was exactly wrong with the mix and I hope to hear some constructive critism further down this thread!

Chris wrote:You know with a bootleg the idea is for the tune to match as well as the beat hmm?

5/10. Try harder.

Was that not constructive? :?
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By Sidders
Yeah, that's exactly it Topher, the tune doesn't match, especially in the chorus at 1:45, exactly like I said. It's not too bad, but I've heard much better.
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