The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Just switched off as just got into college but holy crap, this week has been amazing. I didn't tune in on Monday expecting much but was really surprised

Not sure if this will be unpopular or not but I prefer this version of the show to the old one. Probably cause I've changed and that show just doesn't do it for me anymore (gud mornin.)
SAV1OUR wrote:Lefties don't really like Moyles, don't forget. If the comment sections of The Guardian are anything to go by.

The comments section in the Guardian is not necessarily full of lefties, but I agree they don't tend to. I am one of the few exceptions to that rule I suspect. And charlalottie. And Yudster. And I suspect Nicola_Red. And Gaspode (who never comes here any more). Well okay, there are a few on here.
Speaking for the first time about the rivalry, Radio 1 controller Ben Cooper told The Sun newspaper: "Chris can take all of our old listeners.

"He's going for a much older audience.

"He can just play some Shed Seven and he will be fine." Ouch, that's a bit of a dig, considering the Britpop band are the DJ's fave. ... pe-6040727
VMPhil wrote:
Speaking for the first time about the rivalry, Radio 1 controller Ben Cooper told The Sun newspaper: "Chris can take all of our old listeners.

"He's going for a much older audience.

"He can just play some Shed Seven and he will be fine." Ouch, that's a bit of a dig, considering the Britpop band are the DJ's fave. ... pe-6040727

Aha, thanks!
James H wrote:
Evs wrote:2. The (Indie) Golden Hour

Oh if this happens I think I may just explode with joy! :D

Close enough :D

Didn't quite have the same feel to it, but it was still excellent!
One thing I much prefer is hourly news (I never understood why breakfast show needed it every 30 mins) and it's on the hour rather than half hour like R1. I know there's ads and possibly a need for more songs but it does make the show flow better and good links don't have to be interrupted for the news so much.
Just started listening to today's show, so I have skipped some previous posts.

Madam is fine. Give him time. I don't consider him as "the" sidekick.
Chris does need a sidekick really, but this week's shows have been excellent, so maybe Dom and co. are enough of a group to bounce things off.

Odd John was hilarious. Wow. Proper mentalist!
I wonder how long we have to wait for the podcast
bwfcol wrote:I refuse to read The Sun (Hillsborough) and I felt really bad reading the interview

Toilet paper journalism.
fatboydave73 wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:The Muse competition was...weird. Not sure how I felt about that.

I wonder whether this was another sly dig at Radio 1; didn't they get caught up in a fake phone call scam with Jo Whiley?

Yes! I couldn't remember that but googled it:

That's from 2007, and around that time there was a giant fuss about phone-in competitions, and both the BBC and ITV admitted to faking callers/winners on various shows and were fined by ofcom. That led to all kinds of problems with radio competitions - remember when Moyles would do that feature where the sound of a ship's foghorn covered a word in a song and people had to call in and guess the word, and they even got stopped from doing that? (Can't for the life of me remember what they called that feature.) I think the BBC got a lot more cautious, but they did still run competitions, like they still always do ones for Big weekend tickets - they are just a lot more carefully presented and tightly regulated than they once were. So yeah, maybe it was a dig at the BBC and their regulations.
Topher wrote:The comments section in the Guardian is not necessarily full of lefties, but I agree they don't tend to. I am one of the few exceptions to that rule I suspect. And charlalottie. And Yudster. And I suspect Nicola_Red. And Gaspode (who never comes here any more). Well okay, there are a few on here.

I'm a Moyles loving leftie too - I think - or maybe presume- that most people on here were way back in the day (just looked at my profile and I joined 12 years ago today exactly -woooo, spooky). Not to get bogged down in politics - but why would it be a surprise that left leaning people like Moyles. It's probably more of a social class thing - Moyles has always been a working class-ish show that tends to get up the nose of the middle/upper classes.

Anyway, love the new show, it's like he's never been away - although if you want to talk "needle in a haystack" fans of things - I actually think Grimmy is pretty good on the radio. Believe it or not you can be fans of more than one DJ. That said, I will always listen to Moyles over him from now on. As I'm 30 next month, Radio 1 are probably relieved of that!

Looking forward to how the show evolves and becomes its own thing.

One question - wonder who will cover for Moyles now when he's on holiday? When was the last time anyone but Scott Mills covered long term for him? (I know Vernon and some others did, but that was with Moyles's team so doesn't count for me).
Blimey; was the phone scandal really that long ago?

I know it lead to features such as celebrity tarzan / raspberry etc only being played for fun, and not for prizes anymore. As soon as he mentioned that he was a fake caller I thought he might be on for a dig. As mentioned above he also slipped in the Shed 7 dig at Ben Cooper; and I wonder how long he will be allowed / continue to have little digs at R1?

I do also wonder if he gave the full Toby Le Rone list to the girls who vet his calls into the show; it would be priceless to see him get done by his own joke.....
I s'pose it depends on whether Global care about upsetting R1 - I dunno whether they would. Commercial radio is such a different proposition to the BBC.
On today's show "Just search the iTunes store or wherever you get your podcasts to find the TCMS podcast. It's there!"

Yes, thanks for that patronising tone. Is it there? It it heck! Is it on your web site? Effin' no! :D :?

Last edited by neilt0 on Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nicola_Red wrote:The Muse competition was...weird. Not sure how I felt about that.

I have just re-listened to this. Remember those stupidly hard competitions that required 4 people all to get the answer right? I think it may have been a slight dig at that. Absolutely amazing idea anyway!
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