Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Nicola_Red
chrysostom wrote:A feminist on twitter decided to tweet my work telling them that I'm racist and a bad representation of the company.

This was because I said that all races (including caucasians) are susceptible to racial prejudice.

That's bizarre. Even if she was right, which she obviously wasn't, tweeting your employer is clearly the wrong way to go about it. What did it have to do with her being a feminist, though? Was she also accusing you of being a misogynist? Or of mansplaining maybe ;)

On another annoying note, I've had a stomach bug and been feeling grotty the past couple days. It's most unpleasant.
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By The Deadly
dimtimjim wrote:I'm no stranger to racism against Caucasians... It happens. Racism as a whole though is soooo 90's. We're all people, some are twats, some aren't, skin colour has nowt to do with it. As proved by the Scots! :wink:

I hate green people. They should all go back to where they belong.
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By Bruvva
chrysostom wrote:A feminist on twitter decided to tweet my work telling them that I'm racist and a bad representation of the company.

This was because I said that all races (including caucasians) are susceptible to racial prejudice.

This will be an awkward one tomorrow.

Of COURSE all races are susceptible to racial prejudice. I once got set upon by a gang of Asian lads for having a black wife. Basically, everyone's capable of being a complete *.
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By Bruvva
The Deadly wrote:I hate green people. They should all go back to where they belong.

Yeah, pointless political party that they are.
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By Nicola_Red
Interesting. "One observation made by many activists about her is her willingness to accuse left-wing political critics of sexism, homophobia, racism and so on with absolutely no evidence." Any idea what happened as a result of the move to vote her off?
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By Topher
I don't deny racial discrimination exists against white people, but I don't believe it's racism. Racism against white people and sexism against men is Not A Thing because of power and privilege. I may be discriminated against because I have white skin, but because there is no system or history of oppression against white people, it's not racism (in my opinion).
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By chrysostom
So if a group of people from a different ethnicity verbally, and then physically abused you because you were Caucasian - you wouldn't class that as a racist attack?
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By chrysostom
Nicola_Red wrote:Any idea what happened as a result of the move to vote her off?

I've unfollowed, but I think from what she said that she's doing another Master's and running for local council. Hope I never have to deal with her again - I'm lucky that there's no official work policy of full investigation for incidents like this, otherwise it'd be on my HR record (at least as an accusation/investigation).
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By Topher
chrysostom wrote:So if a group of people from a different ethnicity verbally, and then physically abused you because you were Caucasian - you wouldn't class that as a racist attack?

No... it would be a racially motivated attack, but not a racist attack because it's wouldn't come amidst a background of oppression against white people generally. Racist (and sexist) are specifically, to my mind, made against people who have a history of being oppressed because of their skin colour (or gender) and white people (and men) just don't.

The scenario you describe is also extremely unlikely to ever happen, which kind of backs up my point.

That said, I'm glad it worked out fine with work, she sounds like a fruitcake.
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By chrysostom
Topher wrote:The scenario you describe is also extremely unlikely to ever happen, which kind of backs up my point.

100% fact?

It's great that you think that, and great that you've never experienced racism (or whatever you want to call it) but it's really not the case in wider society that racism is exclusively 'prejudice plus power'. I've witnessed groups of people from different background single out my friends and partners simply because they're White. Even because they're in a relationship with me.

The abuse & hurt to the victim, as well as the hateful mindset of the perpetrator are exactly the same - regardless of what race you are. South Asian people, Black people, East Asian people, Caucasians and Latinos (plus anyone I missed) are all capable of racism. To say otherwise is creating a security for disenfranchised minorities who feel their only option is to fight back against the group in power.

Always encourage a climate where people have to work with each other, and never give them the opportunity to work against one another. Excluding minorities from the stigma of racism is a terrible thing in my opinion, and reduces the social culpability of a particular group - which is likely to widen gaps of understanding between the most extreme of each side.

edit. I exclude Native Americans from this definition because they have the right to be furious at everyone*.

edit 2. *joke.
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By Nicola_Red
I read a fascinating article a while ago by a part Native American woman, whose tribe (with which she had NEVER had any contact with or support from before) tried to force her to have her baby adopted by a couple from their tribe, rather than the local couple she knew and had chosen personally, to help fill what are known as the 'tribal rolls'. It was so interesting to read about the way Native American stuff goes down in the States. Feather headdresses, which were a huge fashion thing over here a couple years ago, are considered extremely culturally inappropriate and basically racist there. That, and similar issues with accessories like bindi, led me to consider fashion as cultural appropriation in a way I hadn't before.

ETA: here's the article ... wa-and-won
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By Bonanzoid
I have to side with chrys on this one. I can see what Topher's trying to get at, but I'm just not inclined to agree. The idea that something have to has history behind it to be racist is a bit askew I think. To me, it's a lot simpler than that - racism is racism. As for the attack thing, unfortunately my cousin was set upon by a group of Asian guys in Glasgow, kicked seven shades of shit out of the poor guy for apparently no reason. Perhaps there was no racist motivation, but apparently there had been a few of suck attacks aimed at white guys in the area, so it could happen.

On a slightly different note, some of the 'casual' racism that's cropping up at my new job is pretty annoying. On the whole I'm loving the new job, but a couple of folk saying "pakis" has put me a bit ill at ease once or twice. It's quickly followed up with "oh, and I don't mean that in a racist way." What other way can that word be intended?
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By dimtimjim
Bonanzoid wrote: suck attacks

Are my favourite gift from the missus... :?
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By Yudster
I think the problem with Topher's position is merely a question of semantics - I think he is applying a personalised definition to the word "racism" - ie he is "taking it to mean" something - and its not really accurate. I think a better description of what Topher is describing is historical oppression, and I completely agree that in this country at least, that isn't something caucasians can really claim to have suffered. Racism in and of itself though clearly has no required basis in history.
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By Bruvva
Ebay seemingly going down just as I'm in the middle of listing dresses. That's irritating in the extreme.
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By The Deadly
Bruvva wrote:Ebay seemingly going down just as I'm in the middle of listing dresses. That's irritating in the extreme.

Have they addressed the situation?
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By Bruvva
Dear me.

Anyway, it seems to have bounced back.
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By dimtimjim
Bruvva wrote: I'm in the middle of listing dresses.

:? :? :?

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By Bruvva
Oh wait, it's still goosed. You can't access user's details which makes it remarkably difficult to get their addresses.
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By dimtimjim
Aye, I also cannot get into eBay at present... Pish.
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By Topher
dimtimjim wrote:
Bruvva wrote: I'm in the middle of listing dresses.

:? :? :?


What the * is Bono doing in a dress?
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