Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Misfit
due to the way I get booked for work, which is normally, I get a phone call a day before or a couple of days before, I struggle to book things in advance, I had a huge argument with my missus tonight about the fact I'm not paying 50 quid to come and see her for two days when she is due here on Friday anyway! I'm reluctant to tell my boss "I can't come and work on friday, I'm seeing my girlfriend", as

a) My mate did that, and although he's done this two years and I've done it since November last year, I work at every venue we book and can get a gig most weeks, and hes restricted to about three venues and works once a month, because understandably, he let my boss down and therefore my boss gives jobs to other people who he can rely on.

b) My girlfriend likes presents and stuff. How does she think I pay for that shit if I don't work.

I'm also pretty annoyed at the fact that if someone gets in touch with me, I always do my best to get back to them as quickly as possible, just to be polite and professional. I text one of my friends with who I arranged to go to the pub with and although it says he read it, and I tweeted him as well, he couldn't be arsed to reply. meaning I sat around for two hours wasting time. Pisses me off how some people thing nowadays.
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By Nicola_Red
Misfit wrote:b) My girlfriend likes presents and stuff. How does she think I pay for that shit if I don't work.

Alas, that's one of the realisations that comes with growing up. Mr Red has always bought me a lot of presents - he buys me roses, takes me out for meals, and all sorts of other stuff. I hate it when he goes away for the festivals, I miss him so much - and I worry about him working crazy long hours, eating junk food all the time and getting sunburned - but I do realise I can't have it both ways. He works hard to try to make a better life for us and I'm very grateful for that.

On another topic, my hair is driving me crazy. All this sunny weather has made the colour fade super fast and the humidity makes it frizzy, wavy and generally crap looking. I'm also starting to feel disillusioned with this shade of red, but I don't want to cut it out cos I wanted to grow my hair for my wedding, and I've already tried covering it with two different box dyes via strand tests to no avail. So I think my only option is to strip it out and re-cover the bleach with a different colour. Argh.
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By dimtimjim
Eh, Misfit, if ya short on cash, get yourself down the docks... good looking boy like you will make some easy money down there. :wink:
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By Yudster
Oh that really was ex-cruciate-ing....
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By Yudster
Is dis-location really the right place for this conversation?
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By dimtimjim
Oh dear...
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By The Deadly
exeter4eva wrote:England collapsing in the cricket... again
Can we PLEASE have a decent performance from the top order at some point in this series?!

Now we have retained the Ashes the motivation doesn't seem to be there to go out and get big runs. We have been far too defensive today. The Australian bowling is consistent but hardly world class. Our batsmen should be filling their boots on this wicket.
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By James H
Three don't even seem to know their own password requirements. Character limits piss me off at the best of times, but imposing one that they don't even tell you about is even worse...

By bmstinton93
As you all know I've always been happy to divulge my personal life and tbh I don't even expect sympathy but life really is * tough! Had a major break up about a month ago and I'm still massively suffering over it. I put a hell of a lot into the relationship and to be honest I didn't do a single thing wrong so I've kinda been treated pretty badly but I never thought I'd let anything affect me in quite the way that this has! One forum member has been very very supportive over the last month though and it is massively appreciated!
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By The Deadly
Pretty sure you would have done something wrong. Nobody is 100% blameless in a relationship break up. The important thing to remember that you can never 100% trust a woman. Ever.
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By chrysostom
The best thing you can do is move on, and don't waste your time on her anymore. So sorry to hear things went badly, hope everything picks up soon - all the best.
By bmstinton93
Thanks Lottie.

And Andy, it's alright saying that but it's the application that's hard! I've deleted her on twitter, Facebook and my contacts and even added her to the spam numbers on my phone yet it's still not happening!
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