alexcutts wrote:It looks quite bad for Grimshaw...
figures here but as a headline, listener numbers down 1.3m on Q1 2012 (nearly 20%) and listening hours down by 32.5%
Interestingly, looking through those stats, the market share amongst 55-64 year olds has gone UP since Chris left, and the market share amongst 15-24 year olds has gone down
Well, the 55+ area has suprised. But generally, could this remotely be of any great shock to Radio 1?
Aside from those that wanted more music, and in the era of self choice collection MP3 players does that even exist anymore?, I was never clear what they wanted from apprentice Grimshaw that Moyles wasn't delivering perfectly. Did it really matter the sound was coming from a younger voice box? Its not like Moyles and co acted their age anyway (and I mean that in a good way).
Maybe its personal taste but I always found Moyles to be far too much of a DJ rarity to just dispose of. A DJ that doesn't struggle, babble and ultimately panic to an unfunny conclusion of something to say. The airwaves are just full of that currently.
Has Grimshaw interviewed Alan Sugar yet? That seperates the men from the boys. Moyles handling him was a joy to listen to each time. Heard the recent clip of Greg James on the receiving end of a 'nah, we're dunn now'.