Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Yudster
I can't understand why schools and universities set work in this way. At the end of the day, the student award is going to an individual. There is no way of assessing an individual's performance - or lack of performance - in a group assignment. You could be awesome, and let down by the rest of the group. Alternatively, you could be lazy and useless, but the efforts of others reward you with a high grade. What is the POINT?
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:I can't understand why schools and universities set work in this way. At the end of the day, the student award is going to an individual. There is no way of assessing an individual's performance - or lack of performance - in a group assignment. You could be awesome, and let down by the rest of the group. Alternatively, you could be lazy and useless, but the efforts of others reward you with a high grade. What is the POINT?

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By chrysostom
The group doesn't always get the same mark though - and (as a victim of group work in the past) it taught me a valuable lesson. That if you're working with lazy colleagues, you have to give them a kick up the arse - and if they still don't bother to try, then you report them to your superior (exactly what you should do in real life) and demand your input be recognised.

While I hated group work at university (working with foreign students who don't have great English skills can is horrific), I think it's an important experience when it comes to delegation, people skills and patience. Unless you're on the lazy side of it, then you don't deserve anything - and hopefully your coursemates will complain about you.
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By The Deadly
You'll get a bad name if you start reporting people though. You'll be called a scab and similar words and you might become a social outcast which is a big worry for young people at university.
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote: (working with foreign students who don't have great English skills can is horrific)

I like this sentence, lots. :wink:
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By chrysostom
You spotted the intentional mistake!


Deadly wrote:You'll get a bad name if you start reporting people though. You'll be called a scab and similar words and you might become a social outcast which is a big worry for young people at university.

If you report to your tutor/lecturer that certain members of the group haven't pulled their weight, the feedback will be kept anonymous (just like it would in any other situation), and monitored. It's a lot easier to make formal complaints than you'd think - and University lecturers understand these issues.
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote: intentional mistake!

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By Yudster
chrysostom wrote:
Deadly wrote:You'll get a bad name if you start reporting people though. You'll be called a scab and similar words and you might become a social outcast which is a big worry for young people at university.

If you report to your tutor/lecturer that certain members of the group haven't pulled their weight, the feedback will be kept anonymous (just like it would in any other situation), and monitored. It's a lot easier to make formal complaints than you'd think - and University lecturers understand these issues.

I think this would be a more difficult situation in school or sixth form. Teachers are notoriously poor at responding positively when students come to them with problems of any kind. Something like this would require the teacher to have to actually DO something, which is a situation that many teachers at that level seem to try to avoid at all costs.
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By Boboff
Hmmm, no one mentions work either?

From 12 I worked at least 2 hours a day during the week, and all day Saturday. From 15 a couple of nights as well, and even during A levels 3 shifts over the weekend and a coupe of nights during the week, I also did Karate, Air Training Corps, Am Dram & School plays then Young Farmers for social and interest stuff, as Yuds says this is where you meet people, gain skills, and accept that it's * hard work and boring getting what you want out of life.

I believe that it was the lessons I learnt then, which meant I was able to do well in life, as I think honestly that it's the work you put in when you are in your twenties that define the rest of your life.
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote:Hmmm, no one mentions work either?

From 12 I worked at least 2 hours a day during the week, and all day Saturday. From 15 a couple of nights as well, and even during A levels 3 shifts over the weekend and a coupe of nights during the week, I also did Karate, Air Training Corps, Am Dram & School plays then Young Farmers for social and interest stuff, as Yuds says this is where you meet people, gain skills, and accept that it's * hard work and boring getting what you want out of life.

I believe that it was the lessons I learnt then, which meant I was able to do well in life, as I think honestly that it's the work you put in when you are in your twenties that define the rest of your life.

Ah, the return of the Mac(daddy). Pleasant week away with 'er indoors?! hope you got plenty of R&R (and the 'other' thing).
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By Boboff
It was lovely thank you Tim, really very nice.

The weather was ok, the food good, the beer cold, all reasonably priced, pleasantly served, and well run. We did a trip to Fuetaventura and a couple of markets, but mainly Schnacks, Schnoozes, and the Schex and a Schmoke......

We were in Costa Teguise in Lanzarote, and although very much a Holiday "construct" it was very nice indeed.

I know nice is a piss poor description, but it was just that, very relaxed, and reasonable, a great holiday, very happy.
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By Yudster
Sounds gorgeous. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. And glad you are back!
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By Yudster
I totally read that as

boboff wrote:I wish I could cut and paste faeces!
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