- Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:13 am
My hotel looks a shit hole but it's £50 and a 10 minute walk from broadcasting house!
dimtimjim wrote:OMG, WTF and ALEDISGREAT. Just powered up the old beasty to catch up with, firstly, a PM from Big-Great-Al (and a PM from another sexy board member) and then caught up on this thread! This is effing amazing! Too many thoughts racing!
Out of courtest I need to check with work before I agree 100%, but I'm a contract worker and this is important, so shouldn't be an issue. A little tee-hee to those of you with a twitch on about the early start! And I like the fact some of you are coming down Weds night and getting a hotel... Nic, I'd suggest we 'split the costs', but it'd be a darn sight cheaper to make Benji the same offer, so.... To Ben: "How you doing?"
I may well book myself a room somwhere too, just need to consult with bank manager, but may be preferable to the early morning drive down, i'll see.
My hotel looks a shit hole but it's £50 and a 10 minute walk from broadcasting house!