The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Paul

I'm so very pleased to be reading a bunch of you are going to the Radio Theatre. Almost loving as much reading how excited you all are!

Have a great time and Aled you did well ;)

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By Travis Bickle
bmstinton93 wrote:So are we meeting at the cafe then? That is close to it isn't it?

I'm happy to. I'll get there for 6-6.15 if that is the plan. This is the place opposite R1?
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By Nicola_Red
Oh good lord. There better be a Starbucks open close by. I'll be in desperate need of coffee.
By HA94
It's going to be fun watching TV and trying to guess what you all look like if they show you all.
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By Nicola_Red
I'm having visions of trying to glue my false eyelashes on at 4.30am...
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By Nicola_Red
I think Ian does. We'll figure it out.
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By Zoot
Sounds stupid, but can we use Nicola Red as a Meeting post? I'm pretty no-one will mistake her, so if we all flock toward the tall red head, we can group up!

(no offence Nic...x)
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By Chris
ianpwilliams wrote:And don't we not get in until 7:15am or something?

The doors open at 06:30, you get taken to a holding area and then to the seating area some time after that. You need to be there before they doors close otherwise you can't get in. Be early.
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By Chris
bmstinton93 wrote:Maybe we should all meet before 6 then?

Do bear in mind you aren't queueing for a Take That concert, there are only so many seats and tickets - the venue isn't large. Also first-through-the-door may not necessarily translate to first-to-the-seats. In other words, get there before the doors close at the latest. If you want to sit together, walk around as a group. The etickets have further information.
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By Zoot
What time to the tube trains start to run? Any idea?
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sexiest bird in neighbours

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