The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Emmy
It sounds like one of Chris' longtime greatest fan groups would also be happy to contribute to the heartfelt tributes if we asked them very nicely. :-P

Ruth Hunt, of Stonewall, said: 'It's unlikely many gay people will miss Chris Moyles – after all, many of us were introduced to his 'sense of humour' by playground bullies long before he was on air. "

From this bluntly titled article. ... 36519.html
Emmy wrote:Ruth Hunt, of Stonewall, said: 'It's unlikely many gay people will miss Chris Moyles – after all, many of us were introduced to his 'sense of humour' by playground bullies long before he was on air. "

What a hunt...
I don't think it is. But then at the time it was just a throwaway moment - it was Stonewall that made a huge deal of it. It was early June, so we'll have the show in the archive.
By Ajescent
I get the feeling that most papers will "ignore" this "I'm not homophobic" rant for the sake of convenience. Because as Chris said, it doesn't fit their message they are trying to get across.

My questions are: Did Chris every take legal actions against the person who wrote these articles? Surely that's "deformation of character" or am I wrong?

Also, does anyone have links to these Stonewall articles?
Not being pedantic, but it's "defamation of character".

Journalists are clever enough to be able to bend the truth for their own purposes without actually saying anything litigious. And even if they do get in trouble, all they have to do is put a tiny apology half way down page 28 and pay a derisory sum in compensation.
Just google "Chris Moyles gay ringtone" - you will find tons of articles on it. And for the record I don't agree with the use of 'gay' to mean 'bad' either, but I believe that Chris just spoke quickly without thinking, to suggest he's a homophobe is preposterous.
Chris could have taken legal action in theory, as saying he's a homophobe could clearly damage his reputation and affect his work - and it did. I'm not sure why he didn't - I'm guessing he must have taken advice on it at some stage.
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By MK Chris
I think he should have done - I'm very much against the 'aumbulance chasing' culture that seems to be becoming prevalent, but I do think anybody who has been wronged by the media SHOULD sue for all they can because the media are * scumbags.

Also - I loved Chris saying he doesn't like the Mail or anything it stands for. I wonder if, as we get closer to the end of the show, we will see more rants as he cares less of the consequences of them. For example, today he went so far against the Mail that I think he almost showed a glimpse of his political leanings - because everything that the Mail stands for is incredibly right-wing.
I remember what Chris said, and the media overreaction was just retarded. One magazine(I can't even remember which one, it was ages ago) ran a bullshit article saying he didn't care who he upsets - a lot of the stuff they print is essentially libelous, and they get away with it far too much.
Agreed with what Topher said.
MadTheEddos wrote:a lot of the stuff they print is essentially libelous, and they get away with it far too much..

The problem is that something like "he's homophobic" is purely an opinion and therefore can be defended as such. Opinions generally can't be proved to be false.

Topher wrote: I wonder if, as we get closer to the end of the show, we will see more rants as he cares less of the consequences of them. For example, today he went so far against the Mail that I think he almost showed a glimpse of his political leanings - because everything that the Mail stands for is incredibly right-wing.

I think you're right, and I think that's definitely a good thing.
By corsaboi
Was a quality rant. Its my week off, and my alarm still went off at 6:30... I just couldn't turn off to go back to sleep.

* the Mail, and Peter Tatchell.
By chrisjames
I really enjoyed Chris's rant about the Daily Mail this morning,and agree with just about every word he said! Lets hope theres a daily rant on every remaining show !

PS why doesn't Chris just sue the c**p out of it for blatant defamation!
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By Nicola_Red
chrisjames wrote:PS why doesn't Chris just sue the c**p out of it for blatant defamation!

We've said why - cos opinion cannot be proved to be false. Whether we like it or not, people are entitled to their opinions. Anyone who's been a Moyles fan for a long time should be more than used to the haters by now.

A while ago, in a piece on an online women's magazine about Chris Brown, I commented that Chris Moyles is the only person in the media who I've seen speak out against Brown, and that he even went to the extent of re-recording Champion with Tina to avoid having to play Brown's stuff. A couple of people commented that they were surprised as he's notoriously sexist. These people obviously weren't listeners. So the homophobia accusations aren't that big a surprise.
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By Travis Bickle
I was only able to catch a few minutes of todays show live, so I'm listening now. I thought it was a great rant and and I agree with every word... except Moyles apologising for doing it.

Chris, you rant to your hearts content and balls to anyone who doesnt want to hear it or disagrees. And top marks to Aled for what he said about the Mail.
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Does the readership of the Mail only exist to remember the 50s and 60s? Can't believe they're still alive!


Go and collect yer pensions.
By Emmy
This ... mouth.html is the main picture/story I can currently see when I go to their website, which is all about Holly Willoughby putting a travel bidet in her mouth by accident (don't even bother to read it). Now I watched This Morning and saw this non-event, which means that I could easily have written one of the featured articles on the Mail's homepage today. It just goes to show what kind of journalistic skills you need to write for this rag.
By Emmy
What did you want to say? I must admit that some of the comments under their stories are very funny, in fact they're often a better read than the actual articles themselves.
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By The Deadly
Just that the article was terribly one sided and poorly written, as most of the Mail online columns are. I made the point that the guy who wrote the article glossed over the fact the show had raised over 2 million for charity and was the main supporter of John Bishop when he did his week of hell. I also drew their attention to the disclaimer you have to tick before posting about offensive comments. The whole piece is offensive and a pack of lies do maybe the writer should have read that.
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