The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Given todays news, we should all try to arrange a date to mass-assault R1 to personally thank the Big Man for everything. (and pull silly faces at Ben & Rhys).
chrysostom wrote:What can we do/give for the last show?

It would be a damn shame if we couldn't get something significant to him as a forum to say thank you

I was thinking the same thing... We can all club together and buy him something
(08:42:11) catherine: but i think his last day we should all go up there in the morning and stand outside
(08:42:32) Zoot: Ha, that would be a good send off
(08:42:39) Zoot: We'd just get ignored though
(08:43:55) catherine: ah i dont think we will
(08:44:22) catherine: you can print a banner
(08:44:38) catherine: loves really..we do!
(08:44:54) Zoot: Ha
(08:44:59) Zoot: 'Morons Unite'
(08:45:09) catherine: ha yeah
(08:45:58) catherine: We are going to miss you Dave love the piranhas
DevilsDuck wrote:
chrysostom wrote:What can we do/give for the last show?

It would be a damn shame if we couldn't get something significant to him as a forum to say thank you

I was thinking the same thing... We can all club together and buy him something

Yes. I feel the need to do something too, either as a forum or as an individual. Not sure what though.

That Ben Cooper 'tribute' sounded rather insincere to me.
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By chrysostom

The time has finally come, quicker than we thought. There are just weeks of the breakfast show remaining, and I'd like to suggest that as a forum we compile/give something personal to Chris and the team.

So use the thread as a sounding board - my idea was for each member to write a few words about the what the show meant to them and compile them into a book? (feel free to shoot it down!)

It would be a shame if Chris and the team finished the show without really knowing how much they mean to us.
I've merged these two threads as they seem to be the same thing - please say if you want them to be separate discussions and I'll un-merge straightaway.
I'd want to help with anything happening. :3
I won't stand outside the building, but I would happily contribute to a tribute. They deserve it.
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