Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
d000hg wrote:My post in this thread has vanished... I assume I broke a rule but since no comment was made via forum/email/PM could you explain so I know for the future (delete this message too afterwards!)

To be fair to whoever deleted it, it did look spammy. Like proper spammy.
You posted about a specific brand of B.O. basher and how super duper and wonderful it was.
You also changed the subject header from 'Ask Aled' to 'Sweaty Pits' or something.

You were right in your previous assumption in that a PM would have been a better option.

I'm assuming these were the reasons behind the deletion but as well all know, assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. And Ming don't like getting an ass made out of him.
theflyingbadger wrote:
d000hg wrote:My post in this thread has vanished... I assume I broke a rule but since no comment was made via forum/email/PM could you explain so I know for the future (delete this message too afterwards!)

To be fair to whoever deleted it, it did look spammy. Like proper spammy.
You posted about a specific brand of B.O. basher and how super duper and wonderful it was.
You also changed the subject header from 'Ask Aled' to 'Sweaty Pits' or something.

You were right in your previous assumption in that a PM would have been a better option.

I'm assuming these were the reasons behind the deletion but as well all know, assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. And Ming don't like getting an ass made out of him.

Sorry, only just read these posts. You are correct Badger, it seemed to be advertising. There would have been better ways to ask the question, if it was genuine, that didn't come across like an ad.
theflyingbadger wrote:
d000hg wrote:My post in this thread has vanished... I assume I broke a rule but since no comment was made via forum/email/PM could you explain so I know for the future (delete this message too afterwards!)

To be fair to whoever deleted it, it did look spammy. Like proper spammy.
You posted about a specific brand of B.O. basher and how super duper and wonderful it was.
You also changed the subject header from 'Ask Aled' to 'Sweaty Pits' or something.

You were right in your previous assumption in that a PM would have been a better option.

I'm assuming these were the reasons behind the deletion but as well all know, assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. And Ming don't like getting an ass made out of him.

Aye. He's merciless.
Yudster wrote:
theflyingbadger wrote:
d000hg wrote:My post in this thread has vanished... I assume I broke a rule but since no comment was made via forum/email/PM could you explain so I know for the future (delete this message too afterwards!)

To be fair to whoever deleted it, it did look spammy. Like proper spammy.
You posted about a specific brand of B.O. basher and how super duper and wonderful it was.
You also changed the subject header from 'Ask Aled' to 'Sweaty Pits' or something.

You were right in your previous assumption in that a PM would have been a better option.

I'm assuming these were the reasons behind the deletion but as well all know, assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. And Ming don't like getting an ass made out of him.

Aye. He's merciless.

Heeeyyy, that's brilliant.
Wee flash of genius from the Yudster.
R94N wrote:I thought yesterday's show was really funny, compared to some of them recently. Might have been me. Just throwing it out there (Badger will like that).

Just noticed I was mentioned in there. You throw whatever you want, wherever you want out there young Ryan.

Also, yes, I too enjoyed what I caught of yesterdays show.

* you haters!!

Edit -
Bollocks, double post. Sorry.
Sweary in there too. Also sorry.
itbe_Tyler wrote:Afternooon.

Aled with the Hackney Weekend and Olympic stuff that's going on do you feel like Radio 1 has shunned some of the other festivals this year?
There has been live tracks and reference to T in the Park for example but only a small proportion of what there would usually be. The same with Download a few weekends ago.

This question has already been asked and the answer is fairly obvious really:

slaphead1982 wrote:
chrisjames wrote:Aled, I really enjoyed listening to the highlights from Hackney on last weeks shows.Do you have any plans to do the same for T in the Park or Reading or was it just a one off

Hackney was a radio 1 event, that's why they did it.
Al, dunno what you guys have planned, but one final tour to allow us faithful listeners to come see Chris in R1 guise one last time would be great...

Hope you're all OK following the news today (though I suppose it won't be news to any of you). I think I have got more out of the Breakfast Show (with the help of this site) than any of the other 8 millions listeners - I've made friends, but more importantly, it is not overstating the case to say that it completely changed my life - without the Chris Moyles Show, I would never have met the person who is now my wife and I would never have had a lovely young lad who is now almost two.

So - please, even if it's just in passing and even if he's not that fussed, thank Chris and the rest of the team for me because even if they had no direct involvement, you are all - indirectly - responsible for the way my life has turned out and for a little person being born!
Topher wrote:Aled

Hope you're all OK following the news today (though I suppose it won't be news to any of you). I think I have got more out of the Breakfast Show (with the help of this site) than any of the other 8 millions listeners - I've made friends, but more importantly, it is not overstating the case to say that it completely changed my life - without the Chris Moyles Show, I would never have met the person who is now my wife and I would never have had a lovely young lad who is now almost two.

So - please, even if it's just in passing and even if he's not that fussed, thank Chris and the rest of the team for me because even if they had no direct involvement, you are all - indirectly - responsible for the way my life has turned out and for a little person being born!

Agree with everything said above. Thank you so much Aled! I'm in such a state after listening to this morning's announcement so I dread to think what I will be like on the day of the last show! p.s. please bring old members and friends of the show back for one more show (e.g. Carrie, Rach, Matt etc)
I have been wandering these forums for many years but never signed up. After yesterdays news I thought this might be my only way to say thanks to everyone on the Chris Moyles Show. I am totally devastated and upset that its finally the end, I really believe Radio 1 will never be the same without the Chris Moyles show and although I love Nick Grimshaw it will never be the same for me. Any news of what Chris plans next would be great to hear Aled.

Many thanks again. Jay
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By Aled
Topher wrote:Aled

Hope you're all OK following the news today (though I suppose it won't be news to any of you). I think I have got more out of the Breakfast Show (with the help of this site) than any of the other 8 millions listeners - I've made friends, but more importantly, it is not overstating the case to say that it completely changed my life - without the Chris Moyles Show, I would never have met the person who is now my wife and I would never have had a lovely young lad who is now almost two.

So - please, even if it's just in passing and even if he's not that fussed, thank Chris and the rest of the team for me because even if they had no direct involvement, you are all - indirectly - responsible for the way my life has turned out and for a little person being born!

Thank you. We've heard so many amazing stories like this over the last 48 hours. It's completely overwhelming the support.

It's my job to make sure that we go out in style and that the shows do the Chris Moyles Show legacy justice.
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By Aled
StarryEyed wrote:
Topher wrote:Aled

Hope you're all OK following the news today (though I suppose it won't be news to any of you). I think I have got more out of the Breakfast Show (with the help of this site) than any of the other 8 millions listeners - I've made friends, but more importantly, it is not overstating the case to say that it completely changed my life - without the Chris Moyles Show, I would never have met the person who is now my wife and I would never have had a lovely young lad who is now almost two.

So - please, even if it's just in passing and even if he's not that fussed, thank Chris and the rest of the team for me because even if they had no direct involvement, you are all - indirectly - responsible for the way my life has turned out and for a little person being born!

Agree with everything said above. Thank you so much Aled! I'm in such a state after listening to this morning's announcement so I dread to think what I will be like on the day of the last show! p.s. please bring old members and friends of the show back for one more show (e.g. Carrie, Rach, Matt etc)

I'm asking them.
User avatar
By Aled
chrisjames wrote:Is there any chance that you could be involved in any new show Chris might present on Radio One, or wil the end of the breakfast show be the end of your assosciation with Chris?

Yes, there is a chance. Everyone wants to know what's next. There is a considerable amount of dust been thrown up in the air by this week's announcement, we need to let it settle before decisions like that are taken - including an actual end date. We don't have that yet.
User avatar
By Aled
214jay wrote:I have been wandering these forums for many years but never signed up. After yesterdays news I thought this might be my only way to say thanks to everyone on the Chris Moyles Show. I am totally devastated and upset that its finally the end, I really believe Radio 1 will never be the same without the Chris Moyles show and although I love Nick Grimshaw it will never be the same for me. Any news of what Chris plans next would be great to hear Aled.

Many thanks again. Jay

Thank you Jay.

It's a cliche, but it's true - it all has to end one day. I'm so so proud that this now means we will have managed it by starting, having the middle bit and end on a high. I'm pleased that your memory of the show will be what it is - there is no greater honour.
Another long time lurker, and I've got to say; I was nearly crying when Chris announced he'd be leaving yesterday.

I just cannot begin to imagine my mornings without Chris and the team :(

Aled, can you say how long you've all known?
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