Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By eamezey
Does anyone have the jingle where the American guy does the spoof advert advertising 'Shatner Pants'?
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By Sam
Have you tried the sound vault? Most of them are in there somewhere.
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By Funky Drummer
Without even looking, I'm certain it will be there.
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By kujawak
I've looked, its not there.
By eamezey
See its not there - can someone whos got it upload it plz got its hilarious!
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By kujawak
So, any word on this sound file then?

And is it just me or is this board rather quiet these days?
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By Sam
Nothing new thats worth being requested I expect. They haven't done anything different for a while.
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By kujawak
Yeah, I had that same thought today. I swear they've done the "100% Sound" joke before, and they were doing it just after 4pm today.
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By Sam
They've done it hundreds of times before. They really need some new features, todays show wasn't too bad but overall they need something else. To be fair they've had a good few guests recently, but they shouldn't be reliying on that.
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