Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Yudster
We haven't seen your scary avatar around here for a while, but I thought this birthday should be marked on the site. Happy 30th Uglybob. Take it from me, there's no need to start worrying until that 3 becomes a 4 - after that I'm afraid its all downhill. In more ways than one. So make the most of the next ten years!
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By John22
Happy Birthday poster-I've-never-seen-but-apparently-I-should-be-aware-of...
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By DevilsDuck
he is ugly and called not boboff the other one.

Happy bday
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By Sidders
Has he actually been on recently? I thought he buggered off ages ago, before I stopped coming here. I'm surprised Yudster remembers him, let alone his birthday.
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By dimtimjim
oops, missed the boat on this one, was on day off yesterday.....

'appy birthday.
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By Yudster
Damn, I missed it too - hope it was a good one. Poor form to miss the birthday of one of the Proper forum members - sorry.
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:Damn, I missed it too - hope it was a good one. Poor form to miss the birthday of one of the Proper forum members - sorry.

... you started the thread Yuds?
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By Yudster
Oh yes, that was last October - I assumed someone had seen it recently and started a new one. Not paying attention. As you were.
sexiest bird in neighbours

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