Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By McGuinness-89
I have just ventured into the online world of the Playstation 3, if you are also on this computer gaming super highway feel free to add me.

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By dimtimjim
I'm a fellow PS3er...... I'll leave you to guess at my PS3 name. Make sure you buy Battlefield: Bad Company 2, ok?!
By R94N
I have neither a PS3 or an Xbox :(
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote: *cleans himself*

Thats what happens when you go near dirty xbox's....
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote: *cleans himself*

Thats what happens when you go near dirty xbox's....

Or when you associate yourself with people who own a PS3
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By dimtimjim
Its ok, I understand not everyone can afford a PS3! :wink:
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:Its ok, I understand not everyone can afford a PS3! :wink:

But I've got the xbox 360 elite which cost £300 when i bought it.
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By Yudster
I don't have either either R94N.

Either either? Is that ok? I don't have either either? I can't think of a less clumsy way to say it.

Anyway. I don't have either, but if I was going to get one I would go for the X-Box because the new thingy , whatsitcalled, Kinect? That looks fun. However, I would be overruled by Mr Yudster who is a Sony fan through and through, and makes excuses for Sony products that don't deliver the way Mac and iPhone owners do for Apple. Its almost amusing.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote: But I've got the xbox 360 elite which cost £300 when i bought it.

Yes, that wasn't a quip based on your exact financial situation and more an insinuation that the PS3 is a highly superior product for which a premium is understandable....
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By DevilsDuck
I gave my xbox 360 away just before Christmas. I am a PS3-er.

My PS3 name is Devilsduck

Once I got my PS3 I stopped using my xbox and it actually ended up in the shed before I gave it away.
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By dimtimjim
DevilsDuck wrote:I gave my xbox 360 away
And that was a fair price.....

DevilsDuck wrote: My PS3 name is Devilsduck
Must remember to add you. I'm dimtimjim.
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote: But I've got the xbox 360 elite which cost £300 when i bought it.

Yes, that wasn't a quip based on your exact financial situation and more an insinuation that the PS3 is a highly superior product for which a premium is understandable....

I actually do wish I'd bought a PS3 now anyway tbh.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote: I actually do wish I'd bought a PS3 now anyway

yeah, you and every other person who purchased the elaborate ashtray.... :D
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By McGuinness-89
DevilsDuck wrote:I gave my xbox 360 away just before Christmas. I am a PS3-er.

My PS3 name is Devilsduck

Once I got my PS3 I stopped using my xbox and it actually ended up in the shed before I gave it away.

* Mensa, this makes you intelligent.
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By dimtimjim
McGuinness-89 wrote: this makes you intelligent.

..........For a duck.
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By DevilsDuck
McGuinness-89 wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:I gave my xbox 360 away just before Christmas. I am a PS3-er.

My PS3 name is Devilsduck

Once I got my PS3 I stopped using my xbox and it actually ended up in the shed before I gave it away.

* Mensa, this makes you intelligent.

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By McGuinness-89
Okay, you have always been intelligent.

...............For a duck. :D
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By DevilsDuck
that'll do Paddy....that'll do!
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By McGuinness-89
Surely you mean that'll dink dank do.................. 8)

Let the bullet see the temple. :oops:
By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:I played Snake once on my Nokia 3310.

I used to love that phone. I can no longer get snake on my phone. I do have tetris though on my phone now.
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By AndyJ
I have both :-D
Xbox - RandyAndy1
PS3 - A_K_J27

Feel free to add

Xbox Kinect is awesome. So much fun, although I did smash the lounge lights while jumping when playing....
By bmstinton93
AndyJ wrote:I have both :-D
Xbox - RandyAndy1
PS3 - A_K_J27

Feel free to add

Xbox Kinect is awesome. So much fun, although I did smash the lounge lights while jumping when playing....

I really want that but I think its a little expensive currently
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By snazy20
I'm a fellow ps3 dude. Killzone 3 soon :) can't wait..

PSN - snazy20
sexiest bird in neighbours

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