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Which is the best song from 1992?

Dr Alban - It's my life (Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog)
Benny Hill - Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West) (bmstinton93)
The Shamen - Ebeneezer Goode (boboff)
Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy (dimtimjim)
James - Born of Frustration (Topher)
Take That - Could It Be Magic (CassieJackson)
The Stone Roses - I am the Resurrection (Sidders)
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Bonanzoid)
Tia Carrere - Ballroom Blitz
No votes
Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives (Johnny 1989)
Jimmy Nail - Ain't No Doubt (nade)
No votes
Lemonheads - Mrs Robinson (charlalottie)
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By Boboff
Sidders wrote:B*Witched wasn't still in the chart though.

Yes it was, it was the 86th Most Purchased single of the year, and it was in the chart, I did check you know...........

I wasn't moaning either, I was merely pointing out that you guys are all nerdy anal geeky nit pickers who need to get a life.
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote: you guys are all nerdy anal geeky nit pickers who need to get a life.

Yeah, you guys.....
By bmstinton93
boboff wrote:
Sidders wrote:B*Witched wasn't still in the chart though.

Yes it was, it was the 86th Most Purchased single of the year, and it was in the chart, I did check you know...........

I wasn't moaning either, I was merely pointing out that you guys are all nerdy anal geeky nit pickers who need to get a life.

Calm down!

And back to nirvana i don't get why they're meant to be such a big band. They had one famous song and apparently they created grunge music but they seem to be the only grunge band ever to have existed as far as i know.
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By Sidders
bmstinton93 wrote:And back to nirvana i don't get why they're meant to be such a big band. They had one famous song and apparently they created grunge music but they seem to be the only grunge band ever to have existed as far as i know.

I like what Noel Gallagher said about Kurt Cobaine: "Here was a guy who had everything, and was miserable about it."
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By DevilsDuck
bmstinton93 wrote:And back to nirvana i don't get why they're meant to be such a big band. They had one famous song and apparently they created grunge music but they seem to be the only grunge band ever to have existed as far as i know. that just a wild un-educated guess?
By bmstinton93
DevilsDuck wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:And back to nirvana i don't get why they're meant to be such a big band. They had one famous song and apparently they created grunge music but they seem to be the only grunge band ever to have existed as far as i know. that just a wild un-educated guess?

Yeah pretty much. I've never understood their appeal.
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By MK Chris
Sidders wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:And back to nirvana i don't get why they're meant to be such a big band. They had one famous song and apparently they created grunge music but they seem to be the only grunge band ever to have existed as far as i know.

I like what Noel Gallagher said about Kurt Cobaine: "Here was a guy who had everything, and was miserable about it."

To be fair, Noel Gallagher could have been talking about himself there.

bmstinton93, get yourself a copy of Nirvana's Live and Unplugged on MTV album.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote: bmstinton93, get yourself a copy of Nirvana's Live and Unplugged on MTV album.

Yeah, you can get it cheap on CD....... And it makes a great ashtray. :?
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By Sidders
Topher wrote:To be fair, Noel Gallagher could have been talking about himself there.

He continued... "And we had *, and I still thought that getting up in the morning was the greatest *' thing ever, 'cause you didn't know where you'd end up at night. And we didn't have a pot to piss in, but it was * great, man."
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:
Topher wrote: bmstinton93, get yourself a copy of Nirvana's Live and Unplugged on MTV album.

Yeah, you can get it cheap on CD....... And it makes a great ashtray. :?

Or i can download it for free. :P
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By Yudster
Kurt Cobain was a minimally talented (well, not talented) waste of space. A shitheaded fool who was at least bright enough to know that the only way he'd be remembered would be if he died as media-orientated death as possible. Goodness knows if he was still alive now we'd ALL be going "Kurt who??"
By bmstinton93
Yudster wrote:Kurt Cobain was a minimally talented (well, not talented) waste of space. A shitheaded fool who was at least bright enough to know that the only way he'd be remembered would be if he died as media-orientated death as possible. Goodness knows if he was still alive now we'd ALL be going "Kurt who??"

I wouldn't go that far as i quite like smells like teen spirit and I'm sure they have other good songs i just don't have a clue where all the hype comes from. In the UK they are effectively a one hit wonder and i prefer foo fighters.
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By Boboff
Guys, come on, all this talk of seminal grunge aritistry, just to cover up your need to gloss over the fact that B*witched are a great band, and I was unfairly excluded from the vote.

Tsk Tsk!
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By Bonanzoid
Topher wrote:Come as You Are is better than Smells Like Teen Spirit. And Lithium.

I kinda think, along with Sweet Child O'Mine, that it's underrated because it's so overplayed. Come As You Are and Lithium are fantastic too, and Teen Spirit isn't their best song but musically it's underrated because it's taken for granted. Oh, and Stairway to Heaven. People dismiss them as overplayed, but they're great songs.
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By Johnny 1989
bmstinton93 wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:I'm going for this:

Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives (AA Side to Bohemian Rhapsody), Number 1 from 15th December 1991-18th January 1992

If that's not allowed, fair enough I'll choose another song

Of course its allowed and you really love queen don't you?!

:lol: Yeah well they were my first band, the first concert I watched on Channel 4 was "Real Magic" which was an edited version of Live At Wembley '86. I'll be honest the last couple of years I didn't listen to any of their music at all, however 2010 was so bad that I started going back through my iPod and happened to fall onto Queen again, I then looked on the net to see if they were going to do anything special in 2011 seeing as it's the 20th anniversary of Freddie's death and it happens also to be the 40th anniversary of their formation.

Since then I've been listening back to all of their albums (of which they're getting a re-release this year with some extra unreleased tracks) and was remind as to how great a band they were and what a talent we lost with Freddie Mercury's early passing.

Anyway back to 1992 :)
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By Yudster
Yudster wrote:Is the Dr Alban track the sanitary towels advert? If it is, I love that song. I'll have a listen later.

It is. I may vote for Gaspode this time.
By bmstinton93
Yudster wrote:
Yudster wrote:Is the Dr Alban track the sanitary towels advert? If it is, I love that song. I'll have a listen later.

It is. I may vote for Gaspode this time.

Your talking to yourself!
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By foot-loose
I've not read this thread in detail but it seems that there's an arguement with boboff and b*witched vs everyone else and nirvana.

Noboff wins.

Noboff is a typo but it amuses me so I'm leaving it.
By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:I've not read this thread in detail but it seems that there's an arguement with boboff and b*witched vs everyone else and nirvana.

Noboff wins.

Noboff is a typo but it amuses me so I'm leaving it.

That's not actually the argument (i don't think!) but I'd say b*witched over nirvana anyday
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By Yudster
bmstinton93 wrote:
Yudster wrote:
Yudster wrote:Is the Dr Alban track the sanitary towels advert? If it is, I love that song. I'll have a listen later.

It is. I may vote for Gaspode this time.

Your talking to yourself!

I wasn't talking to myself, I was referencing my own earlier comment. If I had just typed "It is. I may vote for Gaspode" it wouldn't have made any sense.

Since when have "quote" and "reply" been synonymous?
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