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Which is the best song from 1968?

The Beatles - Hey Jude (bmstinton93)
The Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash (Ezza)
No votes
Jimi Hendrix- All Along The Watchtower (charlalottie)
Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson (Zoot)
Canned Heat - On the road again (nade)
No votes
Otis Redding - Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay (Bonanzoid)
No votes
Cream - Sunshine of Your Love (Yudster)
Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (DevilsDuck)
Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world (foot-loose)
Joe * - With a little help from my friends (Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog)
Tom Jones - Delilah (Sidders)
Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup (CassieJackson)
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By John22
Ok, poll is closed and for only the second time in the history of the Golden Hour Game we have a 5-way tie. So what now? :P
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By nade
John22 wrote:Ok, poll is closed and for only the second time in the history of the Golden Hour Game we have a 5-way tie. So what now? :P

DevilsDuck wrote:I choose 1992

You could do a poll for the 5 winners to choose their year ;)

Duck's choice is already in!
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By dimtimjim
Wow, a five way tie! You normally have to pay a premium for that kinky shiz!

I say you get a year from all 5 and then go with the average from those suggestions....
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By dimtimjim
Good eyes there Sid.... I was assuming the previous posters could actually count! Doh!
By bmstinton93
Sidders wrote:Isn't it a 6 way tie?

There has been another vote since yesterday when john announced it was the end of the game. It was a 5 way tie yesterday
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By Yudster
I'd like a cup of tea.
By bmstinton93
CassieJackson wrote:We've had 1992 twice already. How about 1993 which according to the archive hasn't been chosen yet?

Yeah but you didn't win so you can choose that when you win. I'm happy with '92 tbh.

Or maybe we can let John choose the year for once?
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By Yudster
Or you could make me a cup of tea.
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By John22
Ok. Firstly or counts as a 5 way tie. Secondly I think '93 sounds fine. IF I were to choose a year it would be '96, in reply to Ben's suggestion.
By bmstinton93
John22 wrote:Ok. Firstly or counts as a 5 way tie. Secondly I think '93 sounds fine. IF I were to choose a year it would be '96, in reply to Ben's suggestion.

Your decision
By bmstinton93
John, i think you need to start making the polls expire again. munki has just thrown this all into disarray now by giving Louis Armstrong a 4th vote. Now what?
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By John22
Right, time for me to put an end to this most controversial of games.

Next year = 1992
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