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By Sidders
bmstinton93 wrote:If you were to take a bus all that distance i bet it would cost a lot more.

Ever heard of the National Express?
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By Yudster
catherine wrote:How are they going to get people to stop using cars when they charge £3.50 for a day ticket on crap buses with crap routes and are really slow and never turn up?

Exactly. But even if they were cheaper and more reliable, they still don't go from where I am to where I'm going. I have to get from where I am to where they are, then from where they stop to where I'm going. And they also go when they want to, not when I want to.

I use public transport daily, I have no choice at the moment, so I'm in a good position to know just how crap it is and I have to say that if I had a car available to me I would never voluntarily travel anywhere (except central London) by any other means. A car gives you transportation from home to destination, not from somewhere a mile or from home to somewhere half a mile or so from where you are going, which is significant on a daily basis.
By R94N
Sidders wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:If you were to take a bus all that distance i bet it would cost a lot more.

Ever heard of the National Express?

Yeah, the long-distance coaches. Also do similar services.
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By Johnny 1989
Sidders wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:If you were to take a bus all that distance i bet it would cost a lot more.

Ever heard of the National Express?

They may be a good bus service but they're an awful railway service, National Express East Anglia's trains are late 50-60% of the time now (OK so sometimes they're only two minutes late but then the one behind that is then three minutes late, the one behind that four minutes, etc.). They were due to be stripped of their franchise in January or March of this year however the Colonition decided that it involved too much or some guff to put the franchise out for tenure, so we#re stuck with the useless twats at present.

What * me off more than anything is that the increase of the Zone 1-4 Travelcard from £6.40 to £7.30 was to help fund for improvements, unfortunately they've been saying this for the last 4-5 years and yet the only line to improve is the North London Line (which under Silverlink Metro was a complete shambles, trains could be delayed for up to 90 minutes on that line back then).

Under Red Ken the Underground was improving rather rapidly with quite a few stations looking so fresh & modern for the first time in at least 20 years, then Beano Boris came along and started ruining the upgrade programme, from this link

Greenford Station alone had £2.9m spent on cable and drainage work ahead of lift shaft installation before the project was cancelled.

What a * waste, surely it would have been cheaper to spend the extra to complete the works rather than abandon them completely.
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