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Which is the best song from 1968?

The Beatles - Hey Jude (bmstinton93)
The Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash (Ezza)
No votes
Jimi Hendrix- All Along The Watchtower (charlalottie)
Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson (Zoot)
Canned Heat - On the road again (nade)
No votes
Otis Redding - Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay (Bonanzoid)
No votes
Cream - Sunshine of Your Love (Yudster)
Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (DevilsDuck)
Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world (foot-loose)
Joe * - With a little help from my friends (Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog)
Tom Jones - Delilah (Sidders)
Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup (CassieJackson)
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By Yudster
Sidders wrote:If you were allowed 2 then I would pick every single song of the year and be sure to win. :twisted:

Only in a year which only had two songs released.
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By dimtimjim
Jeez, listening to Fingers Finchams selection on Golden Hour this week, made me think of this thread..... Rolling Stones always seems to get appreciation on here, ruddy old timer music! :D

I had to put some hip-hop on to cleanse my system after that!
All Rolling Stones songs are shite - god knows why people like them. Its like Paul Weller always getting nominated for the Brits - is it for his stupid hair?
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:Ooooffff Yudster got out-thunk by Sidders. Thats like being knocked out by a butterfly.

Any credit he got for that was immediately wiped out by the fact that he used the phrase 'my bad'.
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By Yudster
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:All Rolling Stones songs are shite - god knows why people like them. Its like Paul Weller always getting nominated for the Brits - is it for his stupid hair?

I hate to agree, being such a huge admirer of Weller and The Jam - but really, everything he did after the Style Council's first album has been unmitigated pap. Yet he still seems to be getting recognition for something. I just can't tell what.
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By John22
Poll is up, as well as putting Dusty as Duck's choice I also put Louis Armstrong as foots' choice because even though Ben picked it first, doubles were ruled against.
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By Johnny 1989
I forgot to pick one this week, however Gaspode went for the one I would have picked so I vote Joe *'s excellent & far superior version of "With a little help from my friends" :D
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By Yudster
Well, given that you shouldn't vote for your own choice, I voted for DevilsDuck's!
People voting for Delilah need to have a word with themselves - there is at least 5 better songs up there. Not Hey Jude though... never Hey Jude.
Its not which song you love - personally I love Happiness is Eggshaped by The Seahorses but it clearly wouldn't be the best song of the year it was released.
By bmstinton93
charlalottie wrote:Yes I do. I don't you have much of a case when you often hold up B*witched as one of the best examples of music there ever was.

I like B*witched. But on topic to this argument i believe hey Jude is the best song otherwise i wouldn't have picked it and also it is justified as being called the best song of 1968 as it was the biggest selling single of this year.
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By Yudster
Sidders wrote:
Yudster wrote:Well, given that you shouldn't vote for your own choice

There you go again with making up rules that don't exist.

No, that was one of the original ones that John kept. And John is in charge. All hail John.
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By Sidders
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:So you genuinely believe Delilah is better than Son of a Preacher Man?

That song is awful.

Yudster wrote:No, that was one of the original ones that John kept. And John is in charge. All hail John.

John22 wrote:3. Later in the week (normally Thursday) all the songs, along with their artists and players who chose them will be put into a poll at the top of the thread. The poll will close on Sunday evening and the winner is the player who's song has the most voted. Voting for your own entry is strongly discouraged, but not unallowed.
By bmstinton93
Sidders wrote:
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:So you genuinely believe Delilah is better than Son of a Preacher Man?

That song is awful.

Yudster wrote:No, that was one of the original ones that John kept. And John is in charge. All hail John.

John22 wrote:3. Later in the week (normally Thursday) all the songs, along with their artists and players who chose them will be put into a poll at the top of the thread. The poll will close on Sunday evening and the winner is the player who's song has the most voted. Voting for your own entry is strongly discouraged, but not unallowed.

Tbh those rules should be void due to that awful grammatical error
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By MK Chris
I went for Zoot's choice because we went through a phase of singing it at school and it reminds me of that time.
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