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By dimtimjim
Yeah, they have a tram system up 'ere in Sheffield.... Stupid ruddy things. Trams are just buses which can only travel on a few keys roads. Why? Just get a ruddy bus which can go up and down most roads instead. Duh!
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By Nicola_Red
bmstinton93 wrote:
Sidders wrote:Trams have made a comeback here in England.

Well they have in coronation street.

Yep, I work in the same city as the fictional Coronation Street - the tram I get to work every day is one of those yellow ones you see in the opening titles. Apparently Metrolink didn't mind Corrie doing the whole tram crash storyline as it was due to a bridge collapsing, so technically not their fault...

foot-loose wrote:Get into the 21st centuary Nic! We have trains and cars and busses an everything these days!

I believe so, yeah. When I lived outside the city centre I used to have to get a bus every day - it was horrific. 45mins sat in traffic on old uncomfortable vehicles that stank of sweat and pollution. Now I live in the city I get to walk thru town every morning and then a 20min tram journey - much more civilised.
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By Yudster
dimtimjim wrote:Yeah, they have a tram system up 'ere in Sheffield.... Stupid ruddy things. Trams are just buses which can only travel on a few keys roads. Why? Just get a ruddy bus which can go up and down most roads instead. Duh!

Trams in Sheffield are a bloody menace! Constantly in the way, causing confusion and problems and there's never anybody travelling on them. They should be banned, get them out the * WAY.
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By Sidders
I didn't see the point of trams when I lived in Sheffield. They were only useful if you wanted to go to meadowhall, but then it was still much faster and a lot cheaper to just get the train. Having said that, I went to see Oasis at Sheffield Arena and did make use of the tram on that occasion. And it's great when that happens because everyone piles onto the tram at the same time so the conductor can't even move to sell everyone tickets.
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By Yudster
Its the * 21st century people. We don't need trams any more.
By R94N
We have trams in Nottingham. They work really well actually; they have priority over most of the other traffic in the city. Also you can buy one ticket and ride as many times as you want all day, or at least they did last time I's just another form of public transport. I like them. They're nothing like those ones you think of. They look more like bendy buses on rails.
By bmstinton93
R94N wrote:We have trams in Nottingham. They work really well actually; they have priority over most of the other traffic in the city. Also you can buy one ticket and ride as many times as you want all day, or at least they did last time I's just another form of public transport. I like them. They're nothing like those ones you think of. They look more like bendy buses on rails.

We miss out on everything here. First we get no Toffiffe then we get no Toffo and now we don't even have trams
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By Yudster
R94N wrote:We have trams in Nottingham..... they have priority over most of the other traffic in the city.

That's the first problem with trams.

R94N's just another form of public transport.

That's the second problem with them.

R94N wrote:They look more like bendy buses on rails.

And there's the clincher.

Get rid of trams.They get in the way of people trying to get around cities normally.
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By Nicola_Red
What's 'normally'? I work in a place where no buses go from the city centre and I don't drive. The tram is my only option. Hundreds of people work on the quays and use it every day. Trams are very much a part of Manchester, they are a completely normal way of getting around here.
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Yep, the buses are a nightmare on Oxford Road anyway, the idea you can hop from train to tram at Deansgate is nice, more doors too.
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By Yudster
SAV1OUR wrote:Yep, the buses are a nightmare on Oxford Road anyway, the idea you can hop from train to tram at Deansgate is nice, more doors too.

If the trams weren't there in everyone's way slowing everything down I bet the roads would be a lot better.
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By Nicola_Red
The trams don't go down Oxford Road. It's just a very heavily populated bus route. In fact I seem to recall that one day when the show was broadcasting from BBC Manchester they sent Dave out into the street for a game of 'Bus Stop Bingo'.
By bmstinton93
R94N wrote:I like my bike, partly because I can't drive yet :o

Don't bother. I'm learning atm and it is an expensive and stressful period when my bike can get me most places anyway!
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By newsbeat
Back on topic, down in soaking wet Plymouth, average price of 127.9 per litre for petrol. It's probably going to go up in March/April aswell.
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By dimtimjim
newsbeat wrote:Back on topic, down in soaking wet Plymouth, average price of 127.9 per litre for petrol. It's probably going to go up in March/April aswell.

I'm seeing a lot of 134.9p around midlands now...
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:
newsbeat wrote:Back on topic, down in soaking wet Plymouth, average price of 127.9 per litre for petrol. It's probably going to go up in March/April aswell.

I'm seeing a lot of 134.9p around midlands now...

By R94N
I think the US still only pays around half for their fuel compared to us. I think it's taxed less though; if at all.
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By MK Chris
*sings the monorail song*

Genuinely though, if public transport was better in Milton Keynes, I would use it rather than driving. I enjoy driving, but if there were some kind of efficient public transport like a Tube or monorail I think more people would use it, particularly with the rising cost of fuel. They're trying to get people to use cars less, but there's really no viable alternative unless you're travelling from one side of London to the other at the moment.
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By catherine
How are they going to get people to stop using cars when they charge £3.50 for a day ticket on crap buses with crap routes and are really slow and never turn up?
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By MK Chris
Yeah, but that's the point - they won't, they need to make public transport work before they can stop people using cars.
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By Sidders
bmstinton93 wrote:
Sidders wrote:I love travelling by train, but it's way too expensive.

They're cheaper than buses

Not for long distances.

I go up to York 3-4 times per year and it takes an hour and a half to get there from here (Leicester) in the car and there and back consumes roughly £30 of petrol. I can leave whenever I want from my house and drive directly to my destination.

On the train it costs £45 return, takes 2 and a half hours, I can only travel every half hour and have to get a bus to and from the station. If it cost about £15 I might spend the extra time, but why should I pay more for a poorer service?
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