Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
What is going on with fuel prices and why nas no one started rioting yet? Eh? EH? Where them miserable truckers at, block that A1! Petrol, £1.36 per L.....! :evil:

I'm thoroughly pi$$ed off to now be having to fill up at the wrong old price of over 80p per litre! T'was only 65ppl a few months ago! Grrrrrrrr....
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By MK Chris
Didn't they outlaw that after the last time?

But yeah... petrol prices are silly. I don't remember it being 65p a litre recently though - or are you on about diesel? And 80p a litre?! I wish I could get petrol for that.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote: I don't remember it being 65p a litre recently though, And 80p a litre?! I wish I could get petrol for that.

I run on LPG, hence the pricing quotes of 65/80p...... Petrol itself hasn't been 65ppl since the late 80's!
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By AndyJ
I put £70 in the Mondeo last Tuesday, that didn't fill it up. I then had to refuel on Friday, another £78, that did fill it, and I am already down to half a tank! I didn't really go anywhere over the weekend, but had a long drive yesterday. The cost of petrol has gone up, but the amount I can claim back hasn't. It's still 14p per mile. It won't be long until the 14p doesn't cover it! It's crazy money.
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By Yudster
At least you get to claim something back!
By bmstinton93
Worcester has been one of the most expensive places in the country for a while now. Just been past some for £1.32 a litre and have seen worse
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:At least you get to claim something back!

Yeah, I suppose the more I spend on fuel the slightly additional tax relief i'll get, but still, i'm sure i'll still end up hundreds of £s down....
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By AndyJ
Yudster wrote:At least you get to claim something back!

True and it does help, but I get that back at the start of the next month, or when my boss gets around to approving my expenses, but I still have to outlay it in the first place. My boss is understanding though, he has lets me fill up occasionally on the company credit card, and he turns a blind eye to that, also I have started putting down a few more miles than I actually do. Every little helps as they say,
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By Johnny 1989
dimtimjim wrote:What is going on with fuel prices and why nas no one started rioting yet? Eh? EH? Where them miserable truckers at, block that A1! Petrol, £1.36 per L.....! :evil:

I'm thoroughly pi$$ed off to now be having to fill up at the wrong old price of over 80p per litre! T'was only 65ppl a few months ago! Grrrrrrrr....

That's because the Lorry Drivers & Farmer's haven't got the ump yet, they must have got a good deal last time round, I remember when they protested because it got to £1.01, either that or neither of them can be asked to protest any more?
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By dimtimjim
Many HGV drivers are owner-drivers so any price hike comes out of there top line figure, this is also especially relevant to van drivers.
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By foot-loose
Guy goes into a petrol station and says "Can I get a KitKat Chunky"?

The woman goes and gets him a KitKat Chunky.

When she hands it over, the guy say's "What's wrong with you? I said I wanted a KitKat, ya fat cow!".

That's my contribution to this conversation.
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By Yudster
Twix is better.
By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:Guy goes into a petrol station and says "Can I get a KitKat Chunky"?

The woman goes and gets him a KitKat Chunky.

When she hands it over, the guy say's "What's wrong with you? I said I wanted a KitKat, ya fat cow!".

That's my contribution to this conversation.

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By Ilovematt
bmstinton93 wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Guy goes into a petrol station and says "Can I get a KitKat Chunky"?

The woman goes and gets him a KitKat Chunky.

When she hands it over, the guy say's "What's wrong with you? I said I wanted a KitKat, ya fat cow!".

That's my contribution to this conversation.


Double Ha :)
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By Ilovematt
I paid £1.29p for petrol the other day.

When did it rise to that much ? And why is there no up roar about it ?
By bmstinton93
Ilovematt wrote:I paid £1.29p for petrol the other day.

When did it rise to that much ? And why is there no up roar about it ?

Probably cause it wont do anything. Just look at how uneffective the student protests have been.
By R94N
Sidders wrote:The peanut butter kit-kats were the best, but I don't think they do them anymore.

Yeah, they were really nice.
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By Sidders
bmstinton93 wrote:
Sidders wrote:The peanut butter kit-kats were the best, but I don't think they do them anymore.

That sounds disgusting

They were a taste sensation.
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By Nicola_Red
Tram tickets have gone up. That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject.
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