Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By DevilsDuck
ooooh noooo, stay away from the codec packs, what a load of rubbish! VLC plays everything and doesnt clog up your computer
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By dimtimjim
foot-loose wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Foots = Filth. Usually.

That is complete slander.

Nobody ever said the truth was sugar coated, king ding.... :wink:
Last edited by dimtimjim on Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By DevilsDuck
dimtimjim wrote: sweetcheeks

You cant call foot-loose sweetcheeks
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By dimtimjim
DevilsDuck wrote:
dimtimjim wrote: sweetcheeks

You cant call foot-loose sweetcheeks

See edit above.....
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By DevilsDuck
dimtimjim wrote:king ding

or king ding!
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By foot-loose
I'm not replying to this in fear of living up to the earlier slur.

I do like the phrase "king ding" though...
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By dimtimjim

Tim wins.
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By DevilsDuck
I was warning you for your own good, but if you think you have won.....well....good luck!
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By dimtimjim
DevilsDuck wrote:I was warning you for your own good

?? :?
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By DevilsDuck
Foots will eat you for breakfast!
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By dimtimjim
No point wasting the 'morning glory'....! :wink:
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By foot-loose
dimtimjim wrote::D

Tim wins.

Oh you're a winner alright.

DevilsDuck wrote:Foots will eat you for breakfast!

I think I'd prefer some Crunchy Nut for breakfast. I'll leave the warm muffins till the back of 10.

dimtimjim wrote:No point wasting the 'morning glory'....! :wink:

I absolutely agree. I have a feeling we have differing ideas of what happens next though.

boboff wrote:This is getting silly now.

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By dimtimjim
me = winning warm muffin.

i like that.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]