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By DarroM
Hey guys, I am just wondering if anyone on this forum tends to listen to 6 Music on a consistent basis. I downloaded the New Year show with Edgar Wright, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg and listened to it during work last night and quite enjoyed it, as it had some good songs on it that is a lot better than some of the guff you hear on Radio 1 and elsewhere. I am just wondering if there are any shows that are good to listen to that are pretty much a mixture of banter/talk and music like The Christ Moyles Show.
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By DevilsDuck
Aren't they shutting down 6music?
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By Yudster

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By DevilsDuck
Rubbish! What a waste of the licence fee......they should've sacked Chris Moyles if they saved 6music!
By R94N
When the BBC announced that it was considering closing the station there was a huge backlash from listeners, and they managed to save it. The station gained quite a few new listeners afterwards as well I think because of all the media coverage and suchlike.
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By DevilsDuck
*shakes his head* This is rediculous! How did I not know that 6music had been saved? *is wondering if he has lost the use of sarcasm over xmas*
By bmstinton93
Does anyone actually regularly listen to 6 music? The few rare times I have heard bits the music has actually been fairly good
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By Johnny 1989
I listen to Jon Holmes, Craig Charles, Richard Bacon & Marc Riley, when I get a chance, however 99% of the time when I randomly tune into the station I stick with it as they're usually playing something good.

DD, although 6Music was saved Asian Network, I believe from what I last heard, is to close except for (possibly) in Birmingham as the station originated from there anyway, so it'll probably remain on FM/AM
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By dimtimjim
DevilsDuck wrote:.....*sigh*

I feel ya pain, broseff.
By bmstinton93
Johnny 1989 wrote:I listen to Jon Holmes, Craig Charles, Richard Bacon & Marc Riley, when I get a chance, however 99% of the time when I randomly tune into the station I stick with it as they're usually playing something good.

DD, although 6Music was saved Asian Network, I believe from what I last heard, is to close except for (possibly) in Birmingham as the station originated from there anyway, so it'll probably remain on FM/AM

Does Craig Charles read out all the compliments he gets on 6 music as well?
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By foot-loose
DevilsDuck wrote:.....*sigh*

You need to know which ones to get involved in and which ones not to bother with. Also, you've never lost your sarcastic touch.

Seriously. Never.

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By Johnny 1989
DevilsDuck wrote:*shakes his head* This is rediculous! How did I not know that 6music had been saved? *is wondering if he has lost the use of sarcasm over xmas*

Partially that & partially due to the fact I don't visit here as often as I used to I forget what a sarcastic bugger you can be ;) :lol:

bmstinton93 wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:I listen to Jon Holmes, Craig Charles, Richard Bacon & Marc Riley, when I get a chance, however 99% of the time when I randomly tune into the station I stick with it as they're usually playing something good.

DD, although 6Music was saved Asian Network, I believe from what I last heard, is to close except for (possibly) in Birmingham as the station originated from there anyway, so it'll probably remain on FM/AM

Does Craig Charles read out all the compliments he gets on 6 music as well?

I'm not sure, I haven't listened to any sort of Radio over the last few weeks in all honesty except for the odd snippet of Zane Lowe this morning when my alarm went of for the first time in a fortnight. I'll let you know if I get a chance to hear the show this week.

English Bob wrote:Can't understand all the 6Music hate myself....ten times better than Radio 1.

6Music New Year's Day Show had Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Radio 1 had...Moyles repeats all day? :(

I agree, as soon as Moyles leaves Radio 1 I'll by buying a digital alarm clock & will be switching over to 6 Music to wake me up.
By bmstinton93
Johnny 1989 wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:*shakes his head* This is rediculous! How did I not know that 6music had been saved? *is wondering if he has lost the use of sarcasm over xmas*

Partially that & partially due to the fact I don't visit here as often as I used to I forget what a sarcastic bugger you can be ;) :lol:

bmstinton93 wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:I listen to Jon Holmes, Craig Charles, Richard Bacon & Marc Riley, when I get a chance, however 99% of the time when I randomly tune into the station I stick with it as they're usually playing something good.

DD, although 6Music was saved Asian Network, I believe from what I last heard, is to close except for (possibly) in Birmingham as the station originated from there anyway, so it'll probably remain on FM/AM

Does Craig Charles read out all the compliments he gets on 6 music as well?

I'm not sure, I haven't listened to any sort of Radio over the last few weeks in all honesty except for the odd snippet of Zane Lowe this morning when my alarm went of for the first time in a fortnight. I'll let you know if I get a chance to hear the show this week.

English Bob wrote:Can't understand all the 6Music hate myself....ten times better than Radio 1.

6Music New Year's Day Show had Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Radio 1 had...Moyles repeats all day? :(

I agree, as soon as Moyles leaves Radio 1 I'll by buying a digital alarm clock & will be switching over to 6 Music to wake me up.

When Chris leaves I'll use my ipod alarm clock like i do on weekends unless he has a decent replacement.
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