Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By TheGaryOShow
Well exactly, going further north seemed like it might be a bit damp, my only question is how far south i dare go.
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By TheGaryOShow
foot-loose wrote:Aye, I like him - he can stay.

Praise indeed, I like it!
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By DevilsDuck
*whispers* foots.........psssst.......foots.........Do you think we are being to nice? We dont want newbies getting the wrong idea do we? I get the feeling that Yuds maybe hungry, we could......feed the yuds
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By Yudster
What with? Over-inflated Newbie? They give me gas.
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By John22
Well I personally think that would be fair enough. It happens to everyone at some point, best just to get it over and done with early on, eh?
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By TheGaryOShow
Yudster wrote:What with? Over-inflated Newbie? They give me gas.

Hmm over-inflated? I suppose I would give you that one, although the nice welcome I have received since I joined has contributed to that in some way, I can only be how I am, there are big characters on her and well it would be foolish of me not to dive in head first and join in otherwise I would be faced with having to walk away with my tail between my legs.
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By Yudster
I needed a snack.
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By Yudster
Don't worry. Disappointment is futile. You will be assimilated.
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By TheGaryOShow
Yudster wrote:Don't worry. Disappointment is futile. You will be assimilated.

You wanna do what to my ass? Listen, what you do in the privacy of your own home is fine my be, just not my cup of tea, sorry mate.
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By Yudster
Well, it was a try - keep it up!
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By TheGaryOShow
DevilsDuck wrote:

It's a look, maybe not quite London fashion week but I reckon I could pull it off.
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By Yudster
Are you as cute as Foots though? He's a good looking lad.......
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By TheGaryOShow
Yudster wrote:Are you as cute as Foots though? He's a good looking lad.......

Probably not, I cannot compete with that.
sexiest bird in neighbours

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