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By R94N
boboff wrote:Toffiffe, good call Ryan, they are a bit of a family favorite at the 'Offs too!

It's a Toffee cup with a hazelnut in the middle, topped with Chocolate, so in the mouth the chocolate melts and you get to "lick out" the nut............ Ah to be 16 again.

Haha, thanks, yeah they're nice although I didn't get the chance to have any this year. I also tried Ferrero Rochers as well; they're really nice! They're similar in that they have hazelnut in them. I used to think they had alcohol in them when I was younger, not sure why :D
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By chrysostom
R94N wrote:I used to think they had alcohol in them when I was younger, not sure why :D

good lord, you have come up with a concept to make them better.

someone needs to set up a meeting between Mr. Rocher and Mr. Bailey.
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By Boboff
bmstinton93 wrote:My parents had a big box of ferrero rocher's for Christmas and they don't particularly like them.

Wow, interesting. Did they have any other confectionery that you might like to tell us about?

Oh, I seem to have eaten a whole packet of Toffo's
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By newsbeat
Much prefer Quality Street
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By Yudster
Tastes like toffee.
By R94N
I've eaten two selection boxes that my grandparents STILL send me (I'm not complaining, mind), almost a whole box of Quality Street (not the tin!) and about eight Ferrero Rochers. Yum!
By R94N
boboff wrote:Thats funny Ryan, I haven't really eaten any Toffo's...........

Huh? What? Sorry? :o I don't understand.
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By dimtimjim
Ilovematt wrote:Mon Cheri for me but can never find them apart from on-line :(

Sound french to me, try looking in France....
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