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By Sidders
Does anyone else have to work over Christmas? I'm getting pretty used to doing it now, this is the 6th year I've done it. Am working Christmas eve, Christmas day and probably boxing day as well and then new years eve.
By bmstinton93
I'm working up until the 23rd and back in on 27th but I'm working new years eve and new years day. I would hate to work Christmas day. I hope your getting paid well for it.
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By Yudster
I don't work over Christmas at all, not these days. When I used to run a pub and restaurant I did, and actually I used to enjoy it very much, but since I had kids and moved out of that industry I have really valued having the time to do Christmas properly at home. This year is the closest I've come to working at Christmas for 12 years - I actually have to come into the office for a few hours on Thursday 29th December! I'm sure I'll cope.
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By Yudster
Its what idiots like us do to earn money to feed our families and what sensible people like you do to feed your family without bothering the middle man - the end result isn't exactly the same although you'd think it would be, and the process is different - and why the hell aren't we ALL smallholders??!
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By Boboff
Apparently if we split all the land up we would all end up with about 4 acres each, plenty!

My Pigs liver pate was a great success, and in 2 days I will be taking my meat from the brine to Smoke, I hope it tastes ok!
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By Yudster
Most of us would get 4 acres with a motorway on it or something though.
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By MK Chris
My brother is working Christmas Day, but then he is a fireman and doesn't have a family and the ones without family tend to volunteer for working Christmas.
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By DevilsDuck
I have to come in on the 29th too

This will be the first year in about.....well since I left college that I will get to have the majority of xmas off.
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By AndyJ
I am doing a half day on Christmas Eve, supposed to be working on the 29th and 30th, but I will work from home, or where ever I am at the time, then half day New Year's Even, again from home or somewhere with internet connection.
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, I just get xmas day and boxing day off, as usual. (You all know the refrain by can't stop theatre.)
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By Nicola_Red
Topher wrote:My brother is working Christmas Day, but then he is a fireman and doesn't have a family and the ones without family tend to volunteer for working Christmas.

You mean the ones without kids? People without offspring still have a family.
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By Yudster
nicola_red wrote:Yeah, I just get xmas day and boxing day off, as usual. (You all know the refrain by can't stop theatre.)

You can't stop the theatre, but you can take holiday presumably! My office will be open, I just won't be here.

nicola_red wrote:
Topher wrote:My brother is working Christmas Day, but then he is a fireman and doesn't have a family and the ones without family tend to volunteer for working Christmas.

You mean the ones without kids? People without offspring still have a family.

Like it or lump it, Christmas takes on a whole other dimension when you do have a family (and I use the phrase unapologetically - you and everyone else knows exactly what I mean). But having said that, I think I would be just as keen to have the time off even if I didn't have a small child (as opposed to the large ones....), and I never assume that just because I have a Baby Yudster I am more entitled to it than anyone else. I just make sure I get in there first with booking it. You snooze you lose around here!
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By Boboff
Its the first year Mrs Boboff is a qualified nurse, and as such it is a real pain. She was due to do Christmas Day, but another nurse who had a "do" on boxing day, swopped with her.

I think it is hard having to work over Christmas, with or without Kids, who is to say that Nic doesn't deserve time with her parents more that you do with Baby Yuds?

As it is she is working a night shift when we have my parents down for the day, is working a long day on our anniversary, but as I say she's home for Christams day and my 40th!

Given she has been well supported whilst training and she gets a good salary, and she went into in knowing exactly what was involved, we just have to get on with it and make the best of things.
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By Zoot
I break up the day before Christmas Eve and don't go back till the 4th of Jan, so I'm a lucky bugger really.
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By Yudster
boboff wrote:........who is to say that Nic doesn't deserve time with her parents more that you do with Baby Yuds?

Very definitely not me.
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By Nicola_Red
Yudster wrote:
nicola_red wrote:
Topher wrote:My brother is working Christmas Day, but then he is a fireman and doesn't have a family and the ones without family tend to volunteer for working Christmas.

You mean the ones without kids? People without offspring still have a family.

Like it or lump it, Christmas takes on a whole other dimension when you do have a family (and I use the phrase unapologetically - you and everyone else knows exactly what I mean). But having said that, I think I would be just as keen to have the time off even if I didn't have a small child (as opposed to the large ones....), and I never assume that just because I have a Baby Yudster I am more entitled to it than anyone else. I just make sure I get in there first with booking it. You snooze you lose around here!

Yeah, I understand that. I didn't mean that people with kids should work as much as those without - after all, what's the point of having the little buggers if you don't spend time with 'em? I was just trying to make the general point that "a family" shouldn't necessarily mean kids. My housemate, the rats and I are a family - just a less conventional one. (Especially considering that he isn't in contact with his parents.)
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By dimtimjim
I finish lunch time criggy eve and not back till 4th Jan, which is always nice, except I don't get holiday so won't be getting paid a bean for it. Still, i've only taken 11 days off since last Christmas so i'm due a nice break. My other half will be working all over, criggy day afternoon and till 8pm nye included.... :(
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By Sidders
I actually don't mind working Christmas Day, it's a bit of a bore when you get over the age of around 16 when you stop getting fun presents and realise Christmas TV is a load of old pap.
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By Johnny 1989
Our department closes down on Friday 24th December between 1:30pm-3:00pm (depending on how generous the management feel that day) & I am not back until the Thursday 6th January, our office opens on the 4th January however due to problems with the railways that always occur for the first day or two back I decided to take them off.

When I worked in a different department I had to go in one Christmas but they end up sending us home at 12:30pm every day in the end.
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By nade
I also have had to work Christmas/New Year's eve previously and don't really mind it too much.

Usually the office is dead regardless and as other's have mentioned, you end up getting sent home by your manager early afternoon anyway.
By R94N
It's not really 'proper' work but we finish school on you really think we'd still be there over Christmas? ;)
By bmstinton93
R94N wrote:It's not really 'proper' work but we finish school on you really think we'd still be there over Christmas? ;)

Tuesday? Wow that's late my college finished today. Do you go back on the 4th or later?
By R94N
bmstinton93 wrote:
R94N wrote:It's not really 'proper' work but we finish school on you really think we'd still be there over Christmas? ;)

Tuesday? Wow that's late my college finished today. Do you go back on the 4th or later?

We go back on the 6th Jan.
By bmstinton93
That is OK then I suppose but I always hate going back on a Thursday. It just seems quite pointless. We never really did any work in those 2 days when that happened to us.
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