Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By foot-loose
poke of xmas past wrote:the night before xmas i was sat at home staring at the skirting boards whilst trying to get into the festive season. I could hear people laughing and playing so i looked out of my window only to see boboff, footloose and other twat like board members enjoying themselves. I gritted my teeth and waved my fist furiouslty at them and went back inside. Later that day, after masterbating furiously to dwarf porn,I I'd just sat down to fluffy cute animlas on toast when I could hear more noise coming from outside. Again, I went to my window and hurled yet more abuse and spat wildly at them. They laughed and called me names and told me that i was only mildly irritating and that i'd soon go away. This angered me so i went back inside to massage my testicles and devise a cunning plan.

The next day after a night of bollock juggling I looked out of my window to a horrendous sight of yudster and s4B having a snowball fight in their stockings and suspenders. I opened my door, smiled, flashed 20inch dildos and buckets of cream cakes at them then invited them in. They sprinted towards my house like a stampead of buffalo. They came in and I put them into my oven, and then I ate them both.

Merry xmas

Woop! Welcome back ya mouldy lump of *. Still being a prick I see?
By poke of xmas past
everyone stop replying to my posts, i know you can't help it cus you just can't get enough of beadle mania, but you see I have this new bitch called 'dimtim' he is insanely jealous of me and feels threatend by my charm and good looks (does he know i'm a good looking bastard that is a hit with the ladies? damn, he'd probably wanna shaft me himself the big raving poop digger) Not sure why though, cus he is a right socialite, honest. Anyway, just ignore me like boboff and his little followers do. Oh wait.

By poke of xmas past
Yudster wrote:
R94N wrote:Are you a troll or something?

He's a sort of troll I suppose. He pops in every now and then when he's bored and insults people randomly. He's perfectly harmless, a bit like a mild virus, you just have to let it run its course.

That's rich coming from someone who gave me chlamydia.
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By Yudster
Well I'm a generous soul, and realistically it was of no use to me.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]