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By AndyJ
As the end of 2010 draws near I was wondering what albums you have brought that you have liked or disliked and wished you hadn't of bothered!...

My Likes:
You Me At Six - Hold Me Down
Kids in Glass houses - Dirt
Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns

Peter Andre's new one (brought it for the missus, honest!)
Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Saw them supporting Linkin Park, got the album but wasn't as good as hoped.
By bmstinton93
Green day's album was made last year but nevertheless you bought it this year and its a good album. Tbh i dont buy any cause i do the naughty thing. But my favourite album of this year is easily plan b - defamation of strickland banks. Most likely followed by Ellie Goulding - bright lights with take that - progress and eminem - recovery also some of the stand out albums of the year in my opinion.
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By McGuinness-89
I think it's been an awful year music wise, Plan B, The XX and Love Amongst Ruin were the only albums I really enjoyed.Open to suggestions though....
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By John22
My top 5 in no particular order:
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Foals - Total Life Forever
Plan B - The Defamation of Strickland Banks
Owl City - Ocean Eyes
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
Last edited by John22 on Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By bmstinton93
Was owl city's album not called ocean eyes? And i downloaded gorillaz but didn't really like it so deleted it again but i really like on melancholy hill
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By John22
bmstinton93 wrote:Was owl city's album not called ocean eyes?

Oh yeah, I knew that as well :P
bmstinton93 wrote:And i downloaded gorillaz but didn't really like it so deleted it again but i really like on melancholy hill

Yeah, I like that one, my other favourites were Stylo and Superfast Jellyfish.
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By dimtimjim
Danny Byrd's album is great....
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By Yudster
Bryn Terfel's new album is good. Haven't bought it yet but I might. Love Bryn.
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