Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By dimtimjim
Can anyone compile a compilation of Daves xmas countdown raps?

They're great and def worth keeping....
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By dimtimjim
Would be great if you could..... I can never do stuff like this as I cannot download the relevant software onto my machine here.
By bmstinton93
I just use audacity. Do we want every day in one song and do we just want the one where he manages it perfectly or the whole conversation.
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By dimtimjim
Having the whole link each time he does one would be great! Get the full effect of the teams mocking too!
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By dimtimjim
I'm sure he started 1st Dec....
By bmstinton93
I think it was about the 26th November when it started but hopefully it will be on the show information on the website which will make it easier to do when i eventually get time.
By bmstinton93
I don't think I'm going to be able to do these because if I just play the shows that ianpwilliams has uploaded then it is taking about 10 - 15 minutes to buffer to the appropriate spot and that is just 1 at a time and if I try and download them it is taking in excess of 25 minutes just to download one show and if I set more than one to download at a time then it takes about 45 minutes
By mjff88
I'll start working on these later, got all the relevant shows. Send me a private message if they're not on in a few days as I WILL forget unless you do :P Busy few days
By bmstinton93
What are you using to do it? Would it not be quicker just to use the record feature on audacity and have each one done in about 5 minutes?
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By dimtimjim
Still hopful more more of these if anyone can work there magic.....
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By Nicola_Red
I've started these and am up to 16 days - it may take a while to do the rest as they didn't do it at the same time everyday so they are hard to find! I may also upload one big file of the whole lot when I have them.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]